Title: Learn SSI
Author: Eddie

SSI is very simple once you get the hang of it. First off, make your HTML layout with the sides, and the middle on one HTML page. Let's say you have a left and right menu. Highlight from the beginning of the left menu, to the end of it. Then cut that. Make a blank page, with NOTHING on it. Then just paste what you cut in that. Save this as left.shtml. Then do the same thing with the right menu. Start at the beginning of the right menu and cut from there to the end of the right menu, and paste that on a blank page, and save it as right.shtml. Now all you have left on your main layout is the middle. Now, where you cut the left menu, insert this code: <*!--#include virtual="left.shtml"--*>, but without the *'s. Now, where u cut the right menu, insert this code: <*!--#include virtual="right.shtml"--*>, but again, without the *'s. Now save that document as index2.shtml. Make sure your host supports SSI. Now upload all 3 files to the same place, or else it won't work. Go to your site and see if it worked. If it didn't work, e-mail me at webmaster@die-hard.net, and I will try to help you.