Title: Newspro Help
Author: Eddie

Installing Newspro can be tricky but proven easy. There's nothing to installing such a news script. All you need to successfully install Newspro are the following:

» Computer
» File Transfer Protocol Client (FTP)
» Host supporting CGI
» Perl 4 or Higher (Running on server)

Now, first you need to upload all your files that came with the ZIP file you downloaded from Amphibian Web and make sure that directory has permission to run CGI scripts. If your not sure you can just make a seperate directory inside your CGI-BIN, for example:


Next, you will need to CHMOD, the following files accordingly:

NOTE: Check what server your site is running on. If your site is running on a Windows 2000 server, you usually won't have to CHMOD your files. Also, you may not even have to enter the file paths because usually Newspro will find the file paths for you and enter them in.

newspro.cgi - 755
viewnews.cgi - 755
nsettings.cgi - 666
ndisplay.pl - 666
newsdat.txt - 666
news.txt - 666

This is the Convertion of the values above for WS_FTP:
666 = Read & Write for all three columns
755 = Read, Write & Execute for Owner, Read & Execute for Group & Other
777 = Read, Write & Execute for all.

-To CHMOD in WS_FTP, right-click on a file and choose the CHMOD option.

If your unsure how to do this, right click on the file and select CHMOD. Your FTP client should have this feature, if not download CuteFTP and that program should have it.

Next, we move on to Browser Setup. So type in your browser address window:


The address may vary depending on your host, and where you've installed Newspro. If you've done this step correctly, you should be prompted to login. Type in 'setup' as the username and leave the password blank. You should be brought to a page with a series of configurations you need to make. First is the absolute path's, and this can be really tricky. Usually your absolute path would be:

/home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/newspro -- this is 2GUI absolute paths

All of the absolute path configurations should be the same, unless you uploaded the other files (txt and archives) in another directory.

The rest should be able to be set by the best of your judgement, as well as the look of how you want your News to look when posted. The setup is documented so you need not need my help for that part.

This is the call tag to put where you want your news:

<*!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/newspro/news.txt"--*> (remove the *'s)

Your done!