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Session 001 - - - Polaris


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The summer sun gazed down over everything. The air above the pavement seemed to ripple, reacting to the heat. Too hot to do anything outside everyone stayed inside the vast warehouse building. Holly was curled up in a deep sleep on the couch. Matt was waiting for his computer to boot up after he had re-built it. And on another side of the warehouse Cobalt and Yugaiven were sparring against one another. Matt nudged Holly awake "Holly, wake up and get the mail." Still trying to wake up she said "ok". She left the cool building to go to the scalding outside.

Cobalt and Yugaiven were sparring against one another with custom bamboo swords. But, with wins for each tied at the moment, both had agreed to spar against each other without any weapons. To keep everything as even as possible, Yugaiven transformed into his half human half western dragon hybrid form. Which made things fair, because Cobalt is a half human half griffin hybrid. Both of them waited and watched each other to see who would make the first strike.

Cobalt looked over to one side "hey look a distraction!". Yugaiven looked over and Cobalt made a swift kick. The sharp claws in his paw type feet had torn through Yugaiven's jeans on the left side. The strike was deep enough that there were shallow cuts that began to bleed slightly.

Yugaiven looked at Cobalt and bluntly said "great,... now I have to kick your ass".
"That's only if you can catch me" Cobalt spread his feathered black and blue colored wings, jumped and took off into the shallow warehouse sky, leaving dust flying from where he took off.

"Hey, come back here!" yelled Yugaiven. He soon followed suit and spread his dragon green and black outline colored wings, jumped and took off into the shallow warehouse sky. Cobalt was flying as fast as he could through the warehouse avoiding it's many support girders and frame work. Some how Yugaiven was matching every move, and keeping pace. Coming back into the building after having enough time to wake up, Holly looked up and saw what was going on above her as Cobalt flew parallel against the wall trying to loose Yugaiven behind him. Cobalt's chaser was matching him move for move by watching his long black and blue tipped lion's tail. Cobalt was doing the same thing every griffin does in flight, using his tail to steer.

Holly went back to where Matt was. "Next time just let me sleep, and stop making me get the mail when you know that there isn't any"

"Ok, fine I won't do that anymore." Matt said with a grin, it was the third time Holly had fallen for his practical joke.

Cobalt eventually tired and so did Yugaiven, flying as fast as you can anywhere, takes a lot of energy. After landing, Yugaiven transformed back from his half dragon hybrid from into his human form.

Yugaiven is a type of hybrid creature who has two alternate forms, there's his half human half dragon form and his human one. No one is exactly sure how he switches from one from to another. But what is sure is that he is part dragon. But there is the risk of the dragon part of Yugaiven's mind taking over. Cobalt also landed, but could not transform, for him everything is permanent, nothing can change, ever. Everything about his half human half griffin hybrid self has been with him ever since he could remember to that one day many years ago, everything is permanent. What applies to Cobalt also applies to Holly, all of her cat features are also permanent, from her black ears, her tail, to her heightened senses. Especially sight.

I was just about to call all of you here, I just got a very interesting and strange e-mail. Holly wasn't paying attention, but after hearing that her black cat ears pricked up giving full attention to what Matt was saying. Holly is also a hybrid, a combination of human and black cat. The only parts of her that show that she's a hybrid is her black cat ears at the top of her head, a long black cat tail, and her temperamental personality. Matt is the only true human in the group.

"Anyways, now that everybody is paying attention I got an e-mail from someone, I'm still tracing it back to whoever it came from but here is what it says."


To: Cobaltic Transport Company

Fr: Unknown Source

----I know that your company is a transport company, that will transport virtually anything from point A to point B. But I have another job that you may be interested in. I have contacted virtually every investigation organization, and transport company. You were not last on my list, but everything ended up that way somehow. Every other organization and company has rejected my offer, I will let you decide.

My proposal is that you take this mission that others have laughed at. Here is the mission you and a party of at least three others, embark on a mission to find the ancient ruins of Cretanamos. Myths and legends state that that the Cretanamos ruins show a passage way to a secret chamber that will lead to a land that lets the extcient animals live in peace and harmony. A true paradise it has been called. But it is still unknown where the ruins are exactly. And your mission if you chose to do the mission, is to find out if the ruins actually exist and if the legends are true.

All expenses for the entire mission will be covered. A sum of /D/ 600,000 dolons will be paid to each person who takes part in the mission.----


"So what do we do?" asked Holly eagerly.

Everyone was silent, waiting for anyone to say anything. But everyone had a definitive answer that they had to, bills had started to pile up.

"We almost have no choice, but to do it, no matter what the dangers are" proclaimed Matt

Yugaiven spoke "we leave in two days, but we will need some supplies before we go first."

"Do we need a map or something?" asked Cobalt

"I know someone that could help" replied Yugaiven

Holly asked "Who, who is he,... or she......?"

Cobalt abruptly asked "Are you talking about Archie?"

"Who else would it be" bluntly replied Matt.

The next day everyone was given jobs to do and those jobs needed to be accomplished. Holly was in charge of medical and food supplies, whatever would be needed. Matt, in charge of getting all of the technical stuff ready. Yugaiven was in charge of, getting anything else needed on the list. And lastly Cobalt is in charge of keeping everything maintained and checked out before the excursion starts, mainly seeing if his truck is ready to go.

Everyone had left to do their jobs, all except Cobalt, who was securing Yugaiven's Furd Tauros inside an intense blue colored international cargo container. The international cargo container, one of two intense blue colored containers, was secured on a specialized semi-trailer, that is also painted in intense blue. The trailer is connected to Cobalt's truck, a fully restored and re-built 1969 Peterrig that has been customized, to look like an older truck, but performs like a new truck.

Yugaiven went to go and meet Archie and Cassie, to get the legend map. The legend map is a map that was created by cartographers centuries ago when Cretanamos, was supposedly around, that's if it ever existed. Yugaiven and Cobalt are exceptionally good friends with Archie and Cassie, and it was one of the regular meetings with them. Since that Yugaiven's car was out with Cobalt, instead he transformed into his half dragon form and flew to where Archie and Cassie would meet him.

The Fe city plaza. The plaza is the exact center of the City of Fe, eclipsed by modern skyscrapers, the plaza is a haven for those who need a break from their hectic office jobs. Yugaiven and Cobalt are good friends of Cassie and Archie. Archie has a few problems, mostly with stealing, or what he likes to call a repo job. Archie thought to himself as he ate his lunch under a tree. Where in the hell is he? Cassie was relaxing by reading her new book under the same tree. Yugaiven landed nearby, and transformed back into a human. He saw Cassie sitting on a park bench, and snuck up behind her "Synagogue" he said stealthfuly.

Cassie giggled "quit doing that", "you know Archie does that to me now, it's still funny, but annoying sometimes"

"That's what makes it funny" said Yugaiven

"So, where's Cobalt,..... and what about Holly?"

"He went to get his truck and my car serviced, and Holly she's getting things for the trip"

Archie looked over at Cassie and saw Yugaiven talking to her "so how long have you been here?"

"Not long, so where's the map?"

"In my car"

Cassie closed her book "so let's go"

While walking and talking about what was going on Yugaiven told both Archie and Cassie what they were being assigned to do.
"So your actually going to do it" Cassie asked.

"Yeah, well I need the Dolons to pay off some debts, plus it should be worth it" replied Yugaiven

All three of them continued to walk through the plaza, underneath green trees shading them from the sun's white ultraviolet light, and past the vast green grasses, of the plaza park.

Cassie continued "You do know that there are monsters, demons, spirits, and hunters out there, right?"

"Yeah,... all of us know that, but we trained, and we're better now than before, although that Holly's summoning skills need some work."

"Well, I hope that you know what you're getting into"

"Don't worry about us, and if you are then come along, we don't mind other people tagging along with us"

"Maybe Archie and I will consider that offer"

After walking to the nearby parking lot Cassie, Archie and Yugaiven reached their goal. Archie's white and blue racing striped Shelky Kobra. After Archie had found his keys, he opened the small trunk of the high performance sports car and took out a polished stainless steel briefcase. Unlocked the locks and opened the case revealing from the shadows an ancient document.

"It's only one of three known to exist" Archie added as everyone looked at the map

He continued "Now,... you know that I can't give you the actual map, so here's a digitally enhanced scan on a CD"

"Thanks Archie"

"It was nothing special,..... now for my payment"

"What do you want?" Asked Yugaiven as he rolled his greenish gray eyes.

"Well,.. it's what both me and Cassie want, we want to go with all of you to find Cretanamos"

"Ok, I don't have a problem with that, but the payment will have to be broken up even more now"

"Thanks, Yugaiven, you won't regret this"

Yugaiven was thinking to himself that he might. At this time his cell phone rang.


"Hey Yugaiven, I just picked up Holly and Matt, everything is ready to go at any time, I'll meet you be Archie's car in about ten minutes."

"Ok, then, later"

And then about fifteen minutes later Cobalt arrived driving his blue Peterrig. Everything was cleaned, and ready for the expedition to the unknown. At this time Yugaiven told everyone else that Cassie and Archie would be joining them, and the dolons would have to be cut into more pieces.

"Well, I guess so" said Matt reluctantly. "What do you think about this Holly?"

She looked around the plaza noticing everything "I honestly don't care" Holly replied.

The next day everyone was well rested and ready to depart Fe, to go to the unknown, where dangers lurk in the darkness. Demons could attack from nowhere and kill them all in one fowl swoop, the same goes for the rarely seen monsters. Angry spirits could steal their souls, taking them from the land of the living to the land of wind and ghosts. Then there are hunters, they look out for demons, monsters, and animals to hunt for some reason or capture as exotic pets. Hunters have been known to keep hybrid creatures as pets after their spirits, and will to fight have been shattered.

Matt planned out the route according to what the myths and legends said, and then pinpointing out the route on the map scan from the CD. "The route would take us through Mori Fukai one of the largest forests on the continent, it's huge sequoia trees are skyscrapers in their own right." Matt continued "Those trees are not just tall, but aged, the trees have endured about 4,000 years of growth, and are still growing." "The route goes through Mori Fukai, but there are roads, some paved, some somewhat paved, and then the dirt roads that are falling apart, from dis-repair, so Yugaiven's car and Archie's racer will have to be transported in the truck." "The legend location shown on the map in Mori Fukai, is apparently a large eastern dragon, that was killed, and now "supposedly" it's skeleton lies there"

Holly looked with deep interest at the map "so where do we go after the forest??"

Cobalt explained "well after that we have to find two other points then that will lead us to Cretanamos, that's if it exists"

"So where was it she asked?"

Cassie joined in the conversation, "Well it should be in the Pharaoh Desert, somewhere out there buried under the swirling sands"

"So when do we leave?" asked Archie

"I guess tomorrow" replied Yugaiven

Early morning the next day the sun had just risen, Cobalt had warmed up the engine for his Peterrig truck, triple checked everything and was ready to go. The night before Archie loaded his Shelky Kobra in place of Yugaiven's Furd Tauros, it was deemed by everyone that his car could take the trip on the gravel and dirt roads. After traveling for hours, from the metropolis of Fe to Mori Fukai the party had decided to rest for a few moments. Matt was checking the location, a few other cars and trucks passed by, but didn't stop, most of the trucks were heavy duty Kenorth logging trucks that seemed to dwarf Cobalt's Peterrig. Everyone was relaxing and eating lunch, and soon a white Meredes sedan, made it's presence known with it's diesel engine. And a cloud of red brown dust behind it. The car soon stopped behind the trailer. Cobalt, Yugaiven, Archie, and Cassie knew who it was it was Leon and Dustin. Who had somehow followed them.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Yugaiven

"Your asking what, I still don't understand how you could leave both me and Dustin out of something like this, and both of us are going to be part of it"

Dustin soon joined in, "Yeah"

"Fine" Yugaiven thought that now the money would have to be split even more.

"We're going to be part of your group, until we get to Kaytoo, then we have to go, we're going there to meet Aaron, and Packer."

Talking over an extended lunch, Cobalt said "so how did you follow us?"

Dustin had an answer "Well, we just talked to a few of your friends, and we asked a few truck drivers who said that you might be on this road somewhere."


After that comment, a rustling was heard through the trees.

"What was that?" asked Dustin

Archie put his hand on his sword, and was ready to draw his Irish broadsword "I don't know, but maybe we should be ready" he added.

A voice came over the CB radio in Cobalt's truck "This is a warning to all Indo Red logging trucks I repeat ,This is a warning to all Indo Red logging trucks take an alternate route, stay away from Indo road, one driver spotted something, and barely out ran it, whatever it was did some significant damage to the trailer and it's logs, so stay away from Indo road, if you are on it, then turn back and go another way. Over."

"Well this is what we need, we're on that road right now" complained Leon

"So what do we do, run or wait" asked Dustin


Leon was cut off as the eclipse from the forest appeared. It was a titanic bear demon. It's claws were dripping with the blood of slain animals. Even the drool from it's mouth was red. At this time everyone realized that there was only one option and that was to fight off the demon. Yugaiven transformed into a half dragon and rushed the demon, but the bear saw him and with one swipe of it's bloodied paw, flung Yugaiven against a tree and knocked him out. Yugaiven was now unconscious.

Holy ran over to him "Yugaiven, wake up, come on, don't die."

"Oh, that's it" remarked Archie he drew his Irish broadsword, and rushed the bear demon from it's right side and stabbed it straight into it's side. But it didn't even scathe the bear, who turned and looked at Archie. Cobalt and Leon decided to attack, one from the ground one from the air. Cobalt swooped down and made shots with his glock handgun, while Leon made swift attacks with his sherikens, aiming for the demon's eyes.

With the bear bleeding, it should be weakened, but no. Archie's sword was still stuck in the side of the bear. The same went for Leon's sherikens. Yugaiven woke up, but was badly hurt. Holly wanted to do something, she chose an area where the demon would not notice her, and she started summoning something.

“I summon, a great dragon, one that is powerful, loyal, swift, and obeying of all my commands.” She took some sand from the forest ground, and threw it in the air, creating a cloud of dust. I hope that worked she thought. Cassie looked behind her to see if Yugaiven was awake, but he wasn’t there. No one knew where he was.

There is a short delay for summoning things, and then in a cloud of dust Yugaiven appeared in front of her. His mind was a complete blank, so were his eyes. It was like he had no soul. Not wanting to waste her summon even though she summoned her boyfriend, she gave him a command.

“Attack, without mercy” Yugaiven did just that. He sliced the bear demon with his katana ( a katana is a type of Japanese sword with only one cutting edge of the blade )multiple times, and used his own claws to dig into the demon’s flesh, and tear it apart. Everyone just looked with awe, and astonishment. They knew that it was a soulless, and killing version of Yugaiven, but it was him, massacring the bear.

Not knowing what to do, Holly yelled out “Stop, and wake up!!” Yugaiven closed his eyes, and woke up, not remembering a single thing of what he had done. He knew that he did something, he was covered in blood, some of the blood was still dripping from his dark green claws.

“Wha…. What happened?” he asked

“Well, I made a summon and somehow summoned you, then I gave you a command to attack merciless and you followed everything that I said.” Holly said with a sad, disappointed look.

“But I don’t remember anything” Yugaiven added.

“That’s because you had no soul when I summoned you, that’s why you did what you did.”

Eventually everything went back to normal, and the journey continued. Yugaiven told Holly to work on her summoning skills, so that nothing like that would ever happen again. Eventually the party reached the end of Indo road where a group of Indo Red Kenorth logging trucks met them. And a few smaller pace trucks were also there. The meeting trucks had all of their lights on, because of the darkness the gathering storm clouds had created. Cobalt stopped his truck as Yugaiven pulled along side. A door opened from one of the pace trucks. “What exactly happened, we had a report that said you might be there” The Foreman asked.

“A demon attacked us, and I killed it” said Yugaiven somberly.

The foreman took a moment to respond “well at least everyone is ok, and alive”. “Is there anything we can do to repay you”

“Well, we actually need to stop and fuel up the truck” said Cobalt

Cobalt's Peterrig received a complete maintence service, everything was serviced, and checked. The Meredes, and Tauros received the same treatment. Yugaiven was still trying to understand completely what happened, but time healed the wounds in his soul. He was most thankful for not actually knowing what happened. Leon and Dustin joined the group of weary travelers, and either lead or followed the Peterrig truck and trailer. After about an hour of driving, the map showed the Great Dragon point of Mori Fukai. the point was off the main road, The Great Eastern Dragon point was not marked by anything, except a large sequoia with a gigantic sized slit in the tree.

"So which way do we go now?" asked Leon

"Back to the road and, then we go south to Austal, then on to Kaytoo, a major city metropolis, and then on to the Pharaoh desert." replied Matt sharply.

"And if we can find it, the ruins of Cretanamos, but that's only if it exists" Matt continued

"You never know, it might" put in Dustin

"MIGHT, being the key word" said Matt

After a few hours of traveling, the party reached, a small dusty desert bordering town named Austal, the town is in the heart of ranching country, not too dry, or too wet, and about thirty miles southeast of Kaytoo. A small gold, silver, copper, and platinum mining town. The various minerals mined at Austal made it known as the mine of the nation. The titanic open pit mines make the sunsets even more brilliant, because of the minerals in the terraced soil. After a night of rest and relaxation. The party was about to leave, when a mining supervisor saw Cobalt's truck, and needed help. He contacted them, while the party was eating a buffet of different breakfast foods, at the local diner.

"Excuse me, do any of you know who own the trio of cars, and the blue truck out front?" asked the supervisor

"Yes, we do" replied Leon as he ate his meal

"Oh, that's perfect" The mine supervisor pulled up a chair from another unused table, and sat down to talk.

He continued "Well, I need your help, not many others are willing to help, but I know that you are strong enough to take on the challenge." He looked up at a waitress dressed in white "I'll have a cup of black coffee" he said. He then turned back to the group sitting at the two tables. "I have received word, from the Indo Red logging company working in Mori Fukai, and they said that the group of you have killed a menacing demon bear"

As soon as the mine supervisor completed his dialogue, Yugaiven looked down at his drink of coffee, the talk had brought back a bad memory of what he had done to the demon bear, he knew that it was for the good, but not that way. Not another massacre.

"That's true" said Dustin after finishing his orange juice.

"Well, I think a formal introduction is due, I'm George Western from the Castle mining company." He took a sip of his newly arrived coffee. "Castle mining lost a truck in our open pit copper mine, we are not exactly sure where it is, but the last GPS location read that the truck was somewhere in sector 51A, which is deep in the pit." "And to be honest, a mining shovel may be there also, we're not exactly sure." "What I need all of you to do is to find this truck, and get anyone out from that sector."

"Well, how big is the sector?" asked Leon

"It's about the size of twenty football fields" George replied as he added sugar to his hot drink

"How, do you lose a truck that's the size of a house" asked Cobalt

"It's the size of a house" asked Holly

"Very easily, but the mine is huge, so things get lost every once and a while" said the supervisor

"Why didn't the GPS locate it" asked Matt

"Not exactly sure, maybe it shorted out, some kind of malfunction, or maybe ghosts"

"Ghosts?!?!?!?" asked Matt

"Yeah, some say that there are old miner ghosts that won't leave their claim, so they sabotage our equipment"

"Ok, but is there anyone, ALIVE, down there?" asked Cassie

"No, the report is that the equipment, a five million dolon mining truck, and possibly a nine million dolon mining shovel, just simply started up, and left their location after just being maintained." "We're still checking to see if a mining shovel is down there too"

"So all that we have to do is fin the equipment, right" asked Archie

"Yes, the rest of our maintance and security teams are looking in the other sectors."

After some discussion the party took off for the Castle Copper Mine Company. Every vehicle, had a pass to enter the vast crater in the ground. After being briefed with information the search started. Castle Copper is always bust, always operating twenty four hours a day and seven days a week to maximize efficiency and overall output. Gigantic mining dump trucks from the well known builders of Leher, and Caterpar prowl the wide and long mine terraced roads. The party reached sector 51A, and just as predicted a giant mining dump truck, and a hydraulic mining shovel were there in the open.

"Uh, guys I have a problem, my computer just shut down completely, MONKEYS!!, I can't re-boot." complained Matt

"Well, that's not a problem, If we can't contact the control tower that way, then we'll just use the two way radio." said Archie

"Uh, it's dead, all communication is dead" put in Cassie

"Aaahhh, maybe the ghosts are real!!" exclaimed a freighted Holly, her black cat ears had folded completely down ,and her tail didn't move. If she ever did that, it showed that she was really scared of something.

"No they're not" said Yugaiven as he hugged Holly

"Then what's that!?!?!" yelled Dustin

Everyone looked over, nothing was there except for the dynamite cut cliff.

Dustin began to smile and slowly laughed "What??" he asked

Cassie began to back away slowly, with a blank white stare in her eyes. Everyone looked in the direction that she was backing away from. It was a gray fog colored, shapeless thing that hovered above the dusty floor of the open pit mine. The shadow of the walls began to move, and then the sun moved to where the ghost was, it wasn't there. The sun had hidden it.

Archie unsheathed his Irish broadsword.

"So where is it" asked Cobalt

"You tell me" bluntly replied Matt

Suddenly, Cassie fell to the ground, with a thud. She was completely unconscious. Then Archie fell, he nearly impaled himself with his own sword. Then Matt went. Everyone else was trying to figure out what was occurring exactly. No one knew exactly, or could even begin to understand. Everyone else took the sleeping ones to the truck, and put them in the sleeper cab portion of the truck's cab. Anyone else would have to be put into Yugaiven's car, or Leon's car. Cobalt ran to the hydraulic mining shovel and got in the cab and was figuring out the complicated array of controls.

"Hey, so, what do we do now?" Asked Yugaiven, he was trying to yell to everyone who was awake, but his voice was drowned out by the diesel prime mover or the mining shovel. "

"Holly, use your magic, or something" Yugaiven yelled to her

"I can only summon, and I'm not so good at that"

Leon and Dustin were trying to find a way to expose the ghosts, but their minds were in a state of panic in trying to figure out on how to stay awake. Dustin was trying to see if anyone who was knocked out would be able to wake up. Only one did Cassie woke up, and opened her eyes. But something was off, an erie off. Her eyes, were completely blank, black, and soulless. The ghosts had taken her soul captive. Now her body was a puppet, without a soul no one could control her. She took her oversized scythe from Archie's Kobra, and walked to where everyone could see her. She took a fighter's stance, and ran toward Holly to begin her attack.

"Holly!!!!!!!!" yelled Yugaiven

"Aaahhh" Holly screamed, as she barely avoided the scythe's blade.

Without a soul, Cassie began to be much like the grim reaper. Leon decided that it was not wise to use his sherikens, but to use his kusari gama. A hand scythe, with a weight at the end of a chain to grab an enemy's arm, or weapon. He grappled Cassie's arm, but no affect, she threw Leon back a few yards. Dustin next used his katana, but stopped and hesitated, he was cut with the sickle, and now bled from a cut that went from his right arm across his lower chest, the depth of the cut not deep enough, missing his vital organs. But now blood was dripping on the ground. he walked back to the white Meredes to take cover.

After figuring out the shovel's controls Cobalt moved the massive shovel, filled it with reddish brown, copper enriched soil and swung around to where he thought the ghosts were. The shovel's scoop door opened dumping eighty tons of dirt onto an empty space. The ghosts were now easily seen, covered in the reddish brownish dirt. Cobalt then used the massive shovel arm to crush whatever the scoop hit. he hit one ghost with one swift strike. The one that he hit was the one that was the puppeteer, Cassie's soul now flowed back into her own possession, and body. She closed her eyes again, and woke up to see what was occurring before her eyes.

Cassie saw Dustin trying to survive. She went over to him with her oversized scythe, he looked up at her, gasped for air and blacked out.

"Dustin...........Dustin, wake up!!!!!!!!!!!"

It was no use, he was still alive, but barely. She began to treat his wounds.

Holly stood back as Yugaiven used his samurai sword to slice the ghosts to pieces. Leon threw his kusari gama, struck two ghosts and the scythe flew back to his hand quickly after the attack. The other three ghosts left to the unknown to never be seen again. Everyone quickly ran back to Dustin, he was still out, but now not bleeding as bad. Everyone else that was knocked out were now awake. Matt said "Hey, everything's online." he called for a helicopter to take Dustin to Kaytoo Memorial Hospital ahead of the party. The blue high speed helicopter landed, paramedics took the injured, and as quickly as they had landed they left just as quick.

"Well, at least he'll get the treatment he needs" said Cassie

"That's true" added Cobalt

"Let's get out of here and on to Kaytoo" put in Leon

"I have no idea on how to thank you." "You warded off the unwieldy spirits." "What can I do to thank you?" George was ecstatic, he knew that everything could go back to normal now without any fears.

"Please take care of Dustin" Holly said with a sad tone.

George looked at her, gazed into her eyes "I'll make it my duty to do so." He continued "Don't worry about him he'll have the best doctors available"

"Thanks" replied Holly

After leaving Austal the party took a few hours using the super highway, simply known as highway fifty-eight. This road was the quickest, safest, and easiest way to Kaytoo. Hours passed, driving through the night was impossible, so everyone pulled over and rested. The party reached Kaytoo after about a day of traveling many times over the horizon. Kaytoo is a major metropolis, next to the sea, it's a major transportation hub. Sporting major rail, road, air, and sea transportation centers. Anyone can come to Kaytoo from any direction and leave to any direction. Skyscrapers reached for the stratosphere, at night, neon lights pierced the night almost blinding the eyes. The peoples in the city are always on the go, from work to home, to somewhere else. The party had decided that it would be a good idea to leave everything in one place. A local major truck stop. The Pero Amao. Everything was well assured by Cobalt to be completely safe and well taken care of while they were gone to visit Dustin at Kaytoo Memorial Hospital. Upon arriving to the hospital Cobalt was very scared to even enter the building.

"Cobalt what's wrong?" asked Holly

"I don't like being in places like this" Cobalt replied

"Why" she asked

"Well, I'm scared of places like this"

"really??" asked Holly

"Yeah, just relax"

"Ok, fine"

After some coaxing Cobalt was somewhat brave enough to be in the hospital, but was still skittish, and very jumpy. After some time of walking around, the group found Dustin's room, where he was regaining his strength.

Leon said "Dustin"

"Oh, hey guys" replied Dustin

After some time everyone talked and caught up with everything that happened. It was agreed that since that everyone who wanted to reach Kaytoo and go no farther had reached their destination. Archie, Cassie, Leon, and Dustin said their goodbyes to Matt, Cobalt, Holly and Yugaiven. The party of eight travelers had now dwindled to four. But what would be assured was that everyone would see each other again soon.

"So where to now?" asked Holly

"To the Emerald Hotel and Casino" answered Cobalt

"Ok,... why?" asked Matt

"To find some new associates that can help us, I just have to call them" Cobalt replied

"Aaahh" said Yugaiven

The Emerald Hotel and Casino is one of the largest casinos and hotel towers ever designed, built, and opened to the public. But there's a new rival casino being built across the six lane main street of Kaytoo. Cobalt had called his associates, Anthony, Atlee, Chris, and Michelle. Where are they? Yugaiven thought to himself. Cobalt had parked his blue Peterrig semi-truck and trailer next to Anthony's royal blue Lincoln Continent, which was also parked next to Chris's black Nazda pick-up truck. Yugaiven had gone inside to eat at the buffet, Holly, and Matt were also with him. They were tired of waiting.

"I'll take a hit dealer" said Anthony. Anthony, Atlee, Chris, and Michelle were in the high roller's room playing a high stakes game of poker. The High Roller's room is a reserved room, one of five in the Emerald that specifically caters to big winners. And it's also closed to anyone who is not supposed to be there.

"Hey, Anthony, aren't we supposed to meet Cobalt about ten minutes ago?" asked Atlee as he looked at his watch. Chris and Michelle were too busy contemplating on what to do, mostly on the bet.

"I'll raise everything I have" put in Michelle. No one saw it coming, it was the ultimate moves made in the game. Chris looked on in astonishment as Michelle looked at the dealer confidently. The dealer had drawn a complete royal sampler. Not much could beat that.

"Full house" Michelle said with a smile

"Damn, if I had a Jack I would have had that" said Chris as he threw down his cards. The party of high rollers walked out after Michelle had received her winnings, about /D/ 1.1 million dolons.

"I don't know how you did that but you did" said Chris. Cobalt was waiting in the cab of his truck, as well as Holly, Yugaiven, and Matt were waiting in Yugaiven's car.

"Well, finally" said Matt

"We're sorry we're late, Michelle had to cash in her winnings" Atlee said

"I won a lot of dolons, about 1.1 million" Michelle said

"What are you going to spend it on?" asked Holly

"Not sure" replied Michelle

Cobalt explained what needed to be done, the party of eight, and four vehicles are to go out to the Pharaoh desert north of Kaytoo to find the Cretanamos ruins. But two markers must also be found. A great pyramid, and a stone mother and baby. After that both locations should point to where Cretanamos is.

"Ok, so what do we do exactly?" asked Chris

"We go to where Cretanamos is and look around"

"How big was it" asked Holly

Matt explained "Cretanamos was a huge city, bigger that just about anything today." "In today's standards it's four times the size of Kaytoo." "But it's somewhere in a desert that's as big as a small country." "It's big, but just like a mining dump truck in an open pit mine, it can be lost easily"

After Matt's explanation, the group prepared, and left Kaytoo the next day using the same road they had entered Kaytoo. Highway fifty-eight. After hours of driving through the desert, the sun was still beating down over everything, even the shade felt unusually warm. The first point was found the great pyramid. An eight hundred foot tall pyramid, that is unmovable, and dwarfs anything that lies in it's shadow.

"So where to next?" asked Anthony

"We go northwest to the stone mother and the stone baby"

"Why are they made out of stone" asked Michelle

"The rocks near the Dune Lake Oasis there resemble a mother holding her baby, it's a natural rock carving made by the winds, and waters that broke it down" explained Yugaiven. He added "Ok, lets go to the next point".

After a good night's rest, the Dunes Oasis was seen over the horizon after Cobalt flew a few miles ahead of everyone. It was a true jewel of the desert, a natural underwater aquifer was feeding the lake that is protected by the government. The original idea is that it was supposed to be turned into a desert resort and golf course, but it was a vital ecosystem, and that plan was scrapped.

"So this is the stone mother and baby" said Michelle

"Yes it is, the legend is that the mother was traveling and her baby died as she was passing this area, she wept so much that her tears filled the lake and she turned to stone because of the sorrow she was feeling" "At least that's how the legend goes" added Chris

"Wow" said Holly, she listened in on the whole conversation.

Driving through the desert is arduous, with nothing out there but huge sand dunes it is very easy to become lost, or what Cobalt would call "locationally challenged". After hours of driving over the horizon. A pair of older sedans appeared, driving behind the group. All of the sedans were older ones, that were beaten up, and painted in desert camouflage. There was also an older military truck with that group, also painted in the desert camouflage. Matt was the first to notice this and looked through his binoculars. Matt called Cobalt on his cell phone.

"Hey, Cobalt we have visitors" said Matt.

"Who" asked Cobalt as he drove.

"Hunters" Matt said bluntly.

That one word would shake any hybrid creature to it's skeleton, especially hybrids. Hunters are known for capturing hybrid creatures against their will, shattering their spirit, and will to fight, and then selling them as an exotic pet on the black market. It's a worse fate than death, any hybrid would agree. And with three, Yugaiven, Holly, and Cobalt in the group that made the convoy a prime target.

"Can we outrun them" asked Cobalt

"Maybe, but then again maybe not" replied Matt

Matt continued "but I do have a plan, a combination computer virus and an EMP that will only target them" "The virus will disable any way to track us and the EMP will shut down anything with any electrical system"

"Ok, but only do the EMP as a last resort"

"Well, we could fight them, but the risk of capture is high" "you have to realize that they are very smart" "and they are quickly catching up"

"prepare the virus"

I'm lucky that I prepared for this and but up the bull guard on the truck, instead of the regular Texas style bumper Cobalt thought to himself. the bull guard on Cobalt's Peterrig is basically a large brush guard, but so overbuilt it is used for trucks in the outback. The bull guard serves as a main shield for the truck upon hitting anything from a kangaroo, to cattle, to another car. Cobalt used his cell phone and e-mailed everyone.


To: Everyone

Fr: The Blue Fire Griffin, Cobalt Griffin

----Here's the plan, Yugaiven, Chris and Anthony I need you to drive your cars around the hunters, the dust and sand from everything should act like a smokescreen giving us opportunity to attack. Strike the opponent any way possible, I'll use my truck as a battering ram, I hope not to hit any of you.


The plan was set everyone was ready, and the party turned back around toward the opposing force. The hunters didn't slow down. Chris went right Anthony left, Cobalt forward, and Yugaiven followed. The blue Peterrig semi-truck and trailer turned right. Striking a hunter's Lincoln broadside, pushing it through the sand, flipping it over and then crushing it with the truck's weight as it sped over. Nothing was left of that Lincoln sedan, it was crushed, along with anyone inside it. Anthony drove and used his twelve gauge shotgun at the same time hitting a Buwick's fuel tank, and sparking a large fire, the car was then hit by Cobalt's truck and the fire was buried under the sand.

The hunter's truck was the biggest problem, Michelle had made numerous shots with her AK-47, but the tires were armored. The desert truck eventually caught up with Cobalt's truck. Both side swiped each other. Your not going to wreck another one of my trucks Cobalt thought as both trucks traded paint with each other. Matt prepared his virus, and delivered it with the steel arrow tip from a crossbow. He took aim and made his shot. The crossbow kicked back more that he though it would, and knocked him back. But the arrow hit it's mark the passenger side door of the truck. The other truck's tinted window rolled down an M-16 rifle barrel looked town at Matt.

"Shit, he's armed, go...go...go" Yugaiven floored it, but not before twenty rounds were pumped into Yugaiven's car. Just missing everyone inside. Matt armed the virus "Didn't think that it would be remote activated, did you?" He pressed the enter key, and the virus spread like wildfire, shutting down all of the truck's systems, from steering, to communication. The desert camoflaouged military truck would be enjoying about ten hours of downtime before being able to recover.

The party fled, making a long trail of dust. The driver of the other truck slammed his fist down on the dash board of the truck "Damn it, those three hybrids won't get away next time" The group had decided to take a break and access the damage done by the last duel with the hunters. Cobalt's Peterrig truck was minorly scathed, but he did have a souvenir from one of the hunters, part of the grill from the Lincoln he ran over was impaled in the bull guard, and was easily removed. Yugaiven's car was wrecked, there were about twenty bullet holes in the left side, and was considered unsafe to drive. Yugaiven's Furd Tauros was loaded into an international container on Cobalt's semi-truck trailer. Anthony and Chris had no problems, they had armored their cars quite well. After the long break, the party left and after hours of trekking across the swirling desert sands, soon found a giant stone obelisk and pillar. As well as a small knee high obelisk and pillar.

"So, where are we?" asked Anthony

"At Cretanamos" replied Matt with a smile.

"Aaahhh" Yugaiven said as he looked at the stone monuments.

"Are you sure this is it?" asked Holly

"Yes, I'm sure the myth map shows Cretanamos here and the stone pillars as it's symbol on the map."

"So how do we get inside if it's buried underground" asked Michelle

"Blow it up" answered Chris

Atlee sat and leaned against the small knee high pillar "we could do that"

Suddenly the ground between the giant pillar, and giant obelisk began to shudder. It lowered into a ramp, hundreds of feet long that lead into the darkness, vast cavern known as Cretanamos.

"So what do we do now?" asked Anthony

"Well, we could walk own the ramp, but it's too long to walk, so I guess that we can drive down there" suggested Chris

"That sounds good" put in Michelle

The group of vehicles drove down to the bottom of the immense granite stone ramp, where they found themselves in an immense entrance hall, painted with unknown figures, and script on the walls. Support pillars scraped the darkness of the ceiling. Everything was well preserved, and easily seen once light was shown upon it. From the main hall at the end there are two paths to take one going to the right, the other to the left. Before deciding on anything everyone who drove a vehicle had to turn their car or truck around, so they would face the exit ramp. This would make it easier to leave, if the party needed to flee for whatever reason.

"Well this is great, what do we do now?" asked Yugaiven

Anthony suggested "How 'bout if four of us take one route another four take the other and meet back here in one hour"

"Well, that sounds good, but what if we get lost?" asked Chris

"We'll just call each other on our cell phones and find each other using the GPS navigation feature" added Matt

"Ok, then let's go" put in Michelle

The group of eight had become two groups of four, Anthony, Atlee, Chris, and Michelle went walking down the right hand corridor. Holly, Yugaiven, Matt and Cobalt traveled down the left hand corridor. Both parties did not know what they would be facing, all that they could see is what the light would reveal hiding in the shadows. Anyone in any group was being very cautious, both exploring groups had seen skeletons of previous excursionists and were aware of traps that may lie ahead.

"Hey, Matt has it been an hour yet" asked Yugaiven

"No, we still have about forty five minutes" replied Yugaiven after looking at his watch.

The lantern that Holly was holding was revealing things never exposed to the light for centuries. Holly noticed something that no one else did a lurking shadow, that was following them.

"Uh, something's following us" Holly said

"Ok, then where??" asked Matt. Everyone now looked around for what she saw, but nothing was there. Both parties continued their search, Anthony, Michelle, Chris and Atlee found nothing, but old relics of the past and writing on the walls. However, Yugaiven, Matt, Holly, and Cobalt had found something in one vast chamber. A gigantic solid granite door. With writing on it that suggested it was an entrance to somewhere.

"So what now?, How do we get past this thing" asked Cobalt

"Well, we can blow it up" suggested Matt

"Or,.... we can fight" said Holly

"Fight what" asked Yugaiven

"All of those guys" Holly said with a great amount of fear.

"What the?............." Yugaiven said as he looked at the enemy. An army of ghosts in crusader knight armor, demon wolves, and skeleton archers.

"Quick, Holly summon something" Cobalt said.

"I'm thinking" she said in reply.

Yugaiven drew out his katana and started making swipes at the crusader knights, but their armor was too thick. Cobalt backed him up using his glock handgun, killing a few of the knights. Once killed the knights fell apart, never to move again. Their souls could finally be at rest. After killing about thirty of the knights Cobalt ran out of ammo, he used all of his extra clips. Then drew his katana staff, a standard fighting staff with a katana ( a katana is a type of Japanese sword with only one cutting edge of the blade ) hidden inside. Matt used his samurai sword, but against the demon wolves instead. With two slashes he could cut one down, but his sword jammed in one wolf, another saw this as an advantage, and tore at him wit it's claws and sharp fangs. Matt was weakened by this attack, but managed to find a way to win, with grenades. After the massive explosion he drew out is hand gun and fired at whatever came near him, the blast had killed five demons, he could now get his sword back. But as soon as he could, a skeleton archer hit him with two arrows from a powerful crossbow. They struck deep into Matt's left side, and leg. Holly ran to his rescue, knowing that he would be slowed down by his injuries.

"I summon a great being, a bird that will fly and rule over all, and one that will swoop over our enemies" After Holly said her summon a, black and blue colored hole appeared in the air, a bird engulfed in flames appeared. "I summoned a phoenix" she said quietly under her breath. She gave her commands "now go forth and attack all who threaten us, without mercy". The phoenix did just that swooping over the wolves, turning them into nothing but ashes. Cobalt had taken refuge in the dark shallow sky along with the phoenix. Some skeleton archers hid, waiting for an opportune moment to strike and then return to the shadows. They had found their moment. Cobalt was not looking, flaming arrows streaked toward him. Cobalt saw and dogged all of them, but didn't see the poison tipped arrows that were coming. All eight poison arrows hit him, in his arms, left leg, wings, and one even managed to lodge it's self in his tail. Cobalt was weakened greatly by this, and tried to land, but fell out of the sky about twenty feet above the tiled floor.

Yugaiven was fending off the crusaders, he looked over to see if Cobalt was alright, but in that split moment, a knight made his move stabbing him with a broadsword, and then cut down, to gouge Yugaiven. He fell, first dropping his katana. Coughing up blood, he fell, writhing on the floor clinging to life. Holly was in astonishment and horror of what had happened to her boyfriend Yugaiven and her good friends Matt and Cobalt. One burned, weakened wolf made it's final strike, it came running at Holly she didn't see it, the demon wolf swiftly attacked Holly's throat with it's claws, making two deep slashes there. She quickly grabbed her throat, trying to keep as much air as possible going to her lungs, but the blood from the cut seeped through her hands. Holly collapsed and died soon after. Cobalt, Yugaiven, and Matt were gone too. Their souls floated toward heaven.

"ENOUGH" an echoing voice said. All of the demon wolves, ghost crusader knights, and the skeleton archers dissolved, and evaporated into the air. White dust engulfed the bodies of Holly, Yugaiven, Matt and Cobalt. It cured them of all injuries, returned their souls, and awoken them after the healing process was complete. Yugaiven was the first to open his eyes. He looked at himself, "but I died". Just like him everyone else also woke, and didn't understand. The billowing voice took form, a dark blue and white wingless dragon appeared.

"I am the great divine dragon Polaris, of the North Star" "I have watched you take an arduous journey, and come this far." "I am also astounded by how you have crushed everyone of my demons and ghosts that have come across your path"
"What the hell do you want?!?!?!" asked Cobalt

"I want you to leave." "But, I will answer why" said Polaris. The dragon continued "I am here to protect all of what you believe to be extinct animals and creatures, as well as mythical creatures, and hybrid creatures that reside in this paradise." "I also protect all who dwell outside these boundaries."

"Why?" asked Holly

"It is my eternal duty, and when you perish you may come here, or heaven, it is your choice" "I am also the divine one who gives the power of change to humans, who are pure of heart to transform into a hybrid creatures." 'I have told enough, I must now go"

"Wait, what do we do now?" quickly asked Matt

Polaris continued leaving "You leave this place". Everyone looked at each other, with a look that questioned everything that Polaris had told them. A fog descended, Cobalt was the first to breathe it, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. So did everyone else once they took one breath.

"Hey, anyone answer, hello." "Damn it I've called them twice, and still no answer" Chris complained.

"We should go an look for them" said Michelle. After an hour of walking through the Cretanamos ruins, Atlee, Chris, Anthony and Michelle found everyone else. They were lying on the tiled floor asleep.

"Hey Holly, wake up" said Michelle. Holly opened her eyes "wha... what happened" she asked.

"Don't you remember anything?" Michelle asked


"Well, if anyone stays here for an hour a spell kicks in, and knocks you out"

"Ok then"

Everyone woke, the spell was true. No one remembered Polaris, or what he said. Nothing.

"So what now?" asked Cobalt
"We take some photos of Cretanamos, send them to that guy who asked for them, and we go home and sleep" replied Yugaiven. After taking a rolls of film that depicted Cretanamos, both parties headed for home, leaving Cretanamos in peace.




First and foremost I would like to thank you the reader for taking time out of your busy life and day to read this short story, that I consider not to be short anymore, but medium sized.

Second, credit should go to the Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, The Slayers, and any other anime series for providing some well needed inspiration for this story. Thank you.

Third, much needed credit should go to Red Feather Freelance's web mistress Kelli for providing the inspiration needed for me to create my own original anime character, Cobalt Griffin. More specifically it was her website Creature Creations. If it wasn't for the inspiration of her artwork, Cobalt Griffin would have probably never come to exist. And this story would not be as interesting. Her artwork also provided inspiration for Yugaiven's anime style character artwork. Visit her website at and her other web site Creature Creations at

Fourth are my friends for allowing me to put them into my stories, and for some of my friends for allowing me create an original anime style character drawing of them. And a special thanks goes to Matthew Crarboneau for allowing me to use his original character Yugaiven Obsidian in my short story, as well as in an original anime style drawing.









All original anime style artwork shown here has been done by Jerome Castro Flaherty. The character Cobalt Griffin, character design, and artwork are © copyright Jerome C. Flaherty. Yugaiven Obsidian, is © copyright Matthew Charboneau, anime style character artwork by Jerome C. Flaherty. Holly Kawaii is an original character based off of Holly Flavin, anime style character artwork by Jerome C. Flaherty. Any distribution, or any modification of any kind, shape, or form, of any of these anime style artwork without full legal consent of the artist and respected owners will result in full legal action. The same goes for the entire short story. And anyother short stories created by me. All other characters are based off of real people that I know, and who are good friends of mine.