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Kagome, the girl from the future and the heroine of the show. She amazes Inuyasha with all her "Future Things" and blows him away with instant noodles and space talk. Believed to be the reincarnation of Kikyou, she was the one to free Inuyasha from the tree.

Basic Info:
Name: Kagome Higurashi
Age: 15
Siblings: One younger brother, Souta
Friends: Inuyasha, Kaede, Shippou, Miroku, Sango
Rivals: Kikyou
Enimies: Sesshoumaru, Naraku, and pretty much all the other evil demons Inuyasha fights

Kagome Higurashi is a 15-year-old girl from 20th century Japan. She lives with her mother, grandfather, and little brother in an ancient shrine. She is decended from a long line of priests, of which her grandfather is one.

One day she is pulled into a well on their property (Bone Eater's Well) by a demon and taken back hundreds of years to ancient Japan, during the Feudal Era. There she sees what appears to be a teenage boy with dog ears, pinned to a tree (by an arrow), and apparently sleeping. She frees him by pulling out the arrow and he wakes up and starts yelling at her, the whole time calling her Kikyou. Eventually the two sort things out and she finds out that he is a half-demon by the name of Inuyasha. Together they start out on a quest to gather the fragments of the Shikon No Tama (The Jewel of Four Souls). Along the way, they meet up with a little fox-demon named Shippou. He becomes sort of a little brother to Kagome and tags along on their quest. Later they are joined by others on their quest for the jewel.

Unlike Inuyasha, Kagome uses a bow and arrows for her weapon. While not exactly a perfect shot, she is ok with shooting and saves Inuyasha and their friends several times. As time progresses, she gets better. The whole reason they are looking for the fragmentsof the Shikon Jewel is that Kagome shot an arrow, and it missed, shattering the jewel into many pieces.

Inuyasha claims he only keeps Kagome around as a 'Shikon Detector' because she can sense the shards when one is near. She can also purify the shards just by touching them, if they were unclean. For instance after the battle with the Hell-Painter a shard falls to the ground among the ink. Miroku doesn't want it because he can't touch impure things, but when Kagome picks it up, the Shard is purified.

Kagome is the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyou. At one point, Kagome actually had her soul stolen from her body to bring Kikyou back to life. Being Kikyou's reincarnation explains a lot about some of the seemingly magic talents/ablities Kagome posseses. Such as her ability to purify and sense the Shikon shards.

When Kagome first met Inuyasha he was kind of of wild. So her and Kaede put an enchanted necklace on him. After that every time Kagome said a magic word of her choosing, he would be forced to crash to the ground. She chose 'Osuwari', (she chose it because of his dog ears) which in Japanese meens sit, but only the sit used on dogs.

When Inuyasha and Kagome met Kouga, he called Kagome "his woman". Of course that got Inyasha all p.o.ed and the fact that Kouga kidnapped Kagome also, didn't help matters any. Inuyasha got Kagome back and probably would have killed Kouga, if it hadn't been for her. She helped Kouga escape him, which in turn made Inuyasha think that Kagome liked Kouga back. But she really didn't and eventually Inuyasha realized and accepted this fact.

What I think:
I think Kagome is sweet and caring and she is the logical side to Inuyasha. She kind of keeps him under control, sometimes even without the 'SIT' command...