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Unpaid is the Freedom Fighter of the United Anime Kingdom. He continues to fight in the Power War against the dreaded Asian Invasion, but AF has shown odd signs of possible Asian corruption lately...

Rank: Freedom Fighter
Weapon of Choice: Guns, Lance
Vehicle of Choice: Viper
Special Attack: Slash
Final Attack: Chain Drive 
Age: 20
Place of Birth: AnimeWorld
Height: 5’6
Shoe Size: 11
Blood Type: AO
Horoscope Sign: Leo 
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Food
Dislikes: Pessimists 
Favourite Food: Woo Don
Least Favourite Food: Badly made food
Favourite Drink: Water
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Favourite Restaurant: Chibi's Bar
Hobbies: Fixing Planes
Bad Habits: Being Lazy
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Weather: Sunny Day
Favourite Quote: "Don’t hurt me"
Strongest Subject: Communication
Weakest Subject: Killing
Favourite Sport: Skating
Favourite Natural Disaster: Hurricanes
Pet Peeve: Being Lazy
Little Known Fact: Founder of...