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Rank: Commander 
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Vehicle of Choice: Limo
Special Attack: Angel of light
Final Attack: Holy sword
Age: 18
Place of Birth: AnimeWorld
Height: 5'5
Blood Type: B
Horoscope Sign: Leo 
Relationship Status: Married (to Orlando bloom)
Likes: Orlando
Dislikes: Camy
Favourite Food: Sushi
Least Favourite Food: Olives
Favourite Drink: Water
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Walnut
Favourite Restaurant: Wan kee’s
Hobbies: Sleeping and fighting. I'm bad to the bone!
Bad Habits: Biting finger nails
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Animal: Dog
Favourite Weather: Windy/sunny
Favourite Quote: "Always follow your heart"
Strongest Subject: Making people laugh
Weakest Subject: Listening and hearing others talk
Favourite Sport: Kicking some ass
Favourite Natural Disaster: Earthquake
Pet Peeve: Rude people
Little Known Fact: I'm weird