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Sir Camy


Sir Camy was a warrior and father with a sense of respect and love that is always with him. He has no real sense of belonging just yet; he's always been lost and is just looking for a place that he can finally be secure in. Or at least that’s what he thinks. But we do know he’s a true friend and always trustworthy. Now he’s wondering around to find what he think is missing. Sir Camy is the perfect worrier and a love to Lady Sony like before.


Rank: Bounty Hunter
Weapon of Choice: Masamune, or a butter knife
Vehicle of Choice: Camaro SS (Turbocharged of course) 
Age: 19
Place of Birth: AnimeWorld
Height: 5’10”
Blood Type: O
Horoscope Sign: Taurus 
Likes: Mostly anything
Dislikes: Getting bitten
Favourite Food: Pork Fried Rice
Least Favourite Food: Seafood
Favourite Drink: Iced Tea
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint
Favourite Restaurant: Diamond’s
Hobbies: Sparring and picking fights
Bad Habits: bad temper
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Animal: Wolf
Favourite Weather: Lightning Storms
Favourite Quote: “Leave me alone”
Favourite Sport: Hockey
Favourite Natural Disaster: Tornadoes
Pet Peeve: Someone like me
Little Known Fact: Actually have a kind heart