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Head Guard of the UA Kingdom, but with an odd characteristic. He's not seen in or around UA Kingdom, so we still wonder if he even works for us anymore. Even though it’s an unpaid job. Gergen uses his strength and attitude to scare off kids for the fun of it. As we think about it, why did we higher him again? But there isn’t much we know about him or could say about him without getting hurt....

Rank: Bounty Hunter
Weapon of Choice: BFG 9000
Vehicle of Choice: AH64-D Apache Longbow Attack helicopters
Special Attack: Supernova
Final Attack: Unleashing of the killer rabbit 
Age: Unknown
Place of Birth: Planet X
Height: 6'2
Blood Type: O2H (that’s chlorine people)
Alignment: Neutral
Relationship Status: Player 
Likes: Stuff and chicks
Dislikes: Other stuff
Favorite Food: BBQ steak
Least Favorite Food: Charcoal
Favorite Drink: Canadian Beer!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Neapolitan 
Favorite Restaurant: Anything with Mexican food
Hobbies: Destroying planets 
Bad Habits: accidentally killing people
Favorite Colour: ultraviolet light 
Favorite Animal: owl 
Favorite Weather: Snow/blizzard 
Favorite Quote: “shut up” 
Strongest Subject: Sex education 
Weakest Subject: Math 
Favorite Sport: Gladiator 
Favorite Natural Disaster: Blizzards
Pet Peeve: Little annoying people 
Little Known Fact: The size of his biceps


Had a bad night? Needs some cheering up action, well you came to the right place! Luigi’s “Sex Club 7” at your service. Tonight main entertainments are Misty, Christal, Leena, and Ratifa.