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Pido Chan

This wacky seductive half dragon human, known as Pido Chan, specializes in the arts of magic and knowledge in the castle with the rest of the Elites. The Dragons she trains eventually became carriers for the Kingdom's warriors, protecting them from War.


Rank: Draconic Knight
Weapon of Choice: Axe 
Vehicle of Choice: Flight 
Special Attack: Burning Slice
Final Attack: Tornado of Fire
Element: Fire 
Age: 18 
Place of Birth: Unknown
Height: 5’6
Blood Type: Her blood is much like a dragon’s blood, so has no type by human standards
Horoscope Sign: Cancer 
Relationship Status: Single 
Likes: Having fun (if it feels good, do it), Art, Being friendly to most people, flirting occasionally 
Dislikes: Ignorant people, People who hurt her friends, being touched when she doesn’t want to
Favourite Food: Fish
Least Favourite Food: Vegetables 
Favourite Drink: Milk 
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Fudge 
Favourite Restaurant: Depends on mood 
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, dancing (even though she’s bad at it), having fun 
Bad Habits: Sometimes overly violent, eating whole fish without cooking them 
Favourite Colour: Green 
Favourite Animal: Dragon, Unicorn, Horse, Wolf, Dolphin, and Owl… 
Favourite Weather: Sunny, kind of windy 
Favourite Quote: “If you’re in space and you walk anywhere for an infinite amount of light years, you’ll end up back where you were. The end of the universe is where you started from” 
Strongest Subject: Art 
Weakest Subject: Math 
Favourite Sport: Swimming 
Favourite Natural Disaster: Tornado
Pet Peeve: Rude people who bother her 
Little Known Fact: Very sensitive, her feelings can be hurt easily. Often just wants someone to hug her and make her feel better.

Your wagon ran down? You tired of sharing a bus that never gets you where you want to go on time? Well drop by the “Dragon Fire” store in United Anime Kingdom for your choice of pet.