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The distant neighbor, QT, is from the island kingdom of Mokona. Long ago, the Kingdom of Mokona pledged their allegiance to United Anime, further their support from the lands around them. QT was the one whom connected together partnership.

Rank: Sorceress 
Weapon of Choice: Sliver bow and arrow 
Vehicle of Choice: Sports bike
Special Attack:
Light of Virtue 
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Unknown 
Height: 5’5 
Blood Type: O
Relationship Status: single 
Likes: Men, relaxing with my friends 
Dislikes: Broken promises 
Favourite Food: Pizza
Least Favourite Food: Seafood 
Favourite Drink: Root beer floats 
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Favourite Restaurant: Any fancy expensive restaurant 
Hobbies: Playing beautiful music on the piano
Bad Habits: Now knowing I have any
Favourite Colour: Blue or red 
Favourite Animal: Monkeys
Favourite Weather: Sunny days
Favourite Quote: “Until you spread your wings, you’ll have no idea how far you can fly”
Strongest Subject: PE, math and kicking some ass! hehe
Weakest Subject: Don’t have any *cough* 
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Natural Disaster:
Pet Peeve: Annoying people 
Little Known Fact: Can do about anything