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Swift Wind

Swift Wind was once a nobody, but later gained recognition and joined the UA Royal Guards to help protect Kingdom from any intruders. His loyalties, however, have completely changed to the renegade Asian Invasion group, which he helped create in secret. It's just that no one knows about that, yet...

Rank: Guard and Assassin
Weapon of choice: RX-78GP02A Physalis
Vehicle of choice: The Lexus 2054
Special attack: Beam Saber
Final attack: Nuclear bomb AKA, Nuclear bazooka, or Swift Wind
Age: 21
Place of birth: unknown
Height: 5'6
Blood Type: AB
Horoscope: Capricorn
Alignment: Colony XXX-018999
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Power
Dislikes: Jealousy
Favourite Food: Pizza bread
Least Favourite Food: Raw oyster
Favourite Drink: Mocha Favourite 
Ice Cream: Licoricous
Favourite Restaurant: Mobile Suit Pilot's Club
Hobbies: R/C car driving, Off-Roading, Model Making, and kicking butts ^_~
Bad Habits: Spitting
Favourite Colour: Clear
Favourite Animal: Dragon
Favourite Weather: Warm Rain
Favourite Quote: " You must trust the lesser of the two evil, either it be the devil you do know or the devil you don't know. Either way, its going to be a long battle."
Strongest Subject: Technology
Weakest Subject: Math and girls
Favourite Sport: 24 hours Lemans at Sebring
Favourite Natural Diasastor: Lady Sony kicking my ass T_T
Pet Peeve: Making fun of my Height
Little Known Fact: Can operate a Gundam and has one