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Nathaniel "Sylverwolf" Obleron

Rank: Prince of United Anime Kingdom
Nickname: Nathaniel “Sylverwolf” Obleron
Weapon of Choice: Katana’s
Vehicle of Choice: Kawasaki Ninja 550 Bike
Special Attack: Nova Assault
Final Attack: Nova Blade Strike
Element: Fire
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Unknown Origin
Height: 6’0
Blood Type: O -
Horoscope Sign: Scorpio
Alignment: Good
Relationship Status: He Gets Around
Likes: Fighting, Darkness, Dark Caves, Joking around
Dislikes: Feelings, Emotions, and Questions
Favourite Food: Sushi
Least Favourite Food: Liver and pea’s
Favourite Drink: Blood
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Butterscotch
Favourite Restaurant: Any sushi place
Hobbies: Fighting, Training, Hunting, and Women
Bad Habits: Growls, tendency to kill first ask questions later
Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Animal: Panther
Favourite Weather: Thunder Storms
Favourite Quote: “If you stare long enough into the abyss the abyss stares back into you,
I am that Abyss I see into your soul, your hopes, your dreams your every desire”
Strongest Subject: Computers, Weapons training
Weakest Subject: Math, anything long and boring
Favourite Sport: Kendo
Favourite Natural Disaster: Tornados 
Pet Peeve: People that think they know me
Little Known Fact: He may seem outgoing and very friendly, but deep down he is deadly,
lonesome, and hunting for someone who understands him.