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The mysterious girl, Uyri, seems to play a neutral role in the war. Rumor has it that she has connections with both sides' leaders. What could this mean, and what importance does she have in this war for supreme sexiness?

Rank: Dreamer
Weapon of Choice: Crystal sword
Vehicle of Choice: Ducati Motorcycle
Special Attack: Electric crystal
Final Attack: Tornado Strike
Age: 21
Place of Birth: Australia
Height: 5” 4’
Blood Type: A
Horoscope Sign: Cancer 
Nick Name: Shorty
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: BOYS! Duh!!!, sports, privacy, the super natural, and friends!!
Dislikes: ppl that lie, followers, oh and attention grabbers! ( I don’t just dislike I HATE!!)
Favourite Food: Anything that tastes good
Least Favourite Food: Nothing I can think of rite now
Favourite Drink: Root beer and any flavored crush
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip
Favourite Restaurant: Any bathroom that's clean
Hobbies: Swimming, hanging with friends, and stars gazing
Bad Habits: My shyness
Favourite Colour: Blue, yellow, green, and red
Favourite Animal: Dogs
Favourite Weather: Sunny days
Favourite Quote: “Be yourself and don’t EVER let anyone else tell you who you are or what you should be!”
Strongest Subject: P.E., and science
Weakest Subject: Math
Favourite Sport: Soccer 
Favourite Natural Disaster: Tornadoes
Pet Peeve: I hate it when people follow you around and try to be like you, they need to fine their own individuality!
Little Known Fact: Always happy with a smile