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A Wierd Story - Part 9

by Kitsunemajic

(Scene: Atlantic Ocean. The water is, like, 40 degrees)

Hiei: We have been swimming with nothing but drift wood to hold us up for 6 hours. 6 HOURS!!!

Kurama: I know, let's sing to pass the time! I need an easy friend[1]

Hiei: I do

Kurama: With an ear to lend

Hiei: I do

Kurama: Think you fit the shoe

Hiei: I do

Kurama: Won't you have a clue?

Hiei: ...Well?

Kurama: ...I forgot the other part.

Hiei: I would hurt you if I weren't so numb.

Kurama: And you need me!

Hiei: *Snort* How do you figure that?

Kurama: 1) you don't know where your going and 2) you neeeeeeeeeed me!

Hiei: ...I don't care if I don't know where I'm going and I don't neeeeeeeeeed you of all people!

Kurama: ...*Sniffle* I don't care what you say you need me because I'm your friend and you know it

Hiei: Land

Kurama: and if it weren't for me you would be dead

Hiei: Land

Kurama: And *runs aground* why didn't you tell me there was land here?

Hiei: I did and if you would've shut your trap up for one second you'd realized I was talking to you! Now where are we?

Kurama: How should I know?

Hiei: Mr. I-know-so-much! You should know!

Kurama: Well there's only one way to find out! Walk!

Hiei: ...*Thinks* Ocean or walking with Kurama...decisions, decisions...

(9:00 AM)

Kurama: We've...been walking...for 7 hours...

Hiei: ...

Kurama: Hiei? I remembered the rest of that song...

Hiei: ...

Kurama: *Sings* I'll take advantage while[2]

Hiei: *Sings* You hang me out to dry

Kurama: but I can't see you every night

Hiei: For f-

(Big truck comes out of no where)

Hiei: Hey Kurama! We're on a ROAD!!

Kurama: Let's get off! *Jumps to the left*

Hiei: *Jumps to the right. Truck barely misses them*

Kurama: Hey look, it's a sign. *Reads* Welcome to California...hey Hiei, we're in California!

Hiei: Yay, how long till New York?

Kurama: Hm...on foot it'd take us.....a very, VERY long time.

Hiei: But not on foot?

Kurama: That's the problem we have no CHOICE but on foot...unless we find an Airport. I wonder what the nearest city is...*whips map out of nowhere*

Hiei: You have a map?! You KNEW where we WERE?!

Kurama: Actually no, but I just remembered I had a map!

Hiei: ....I am this close to killing you.

Kurama: But you n-

Hiei: What's the nearest city?!

Kurama: Oh, right. Hmm....Klamath Falls Oregon.

Hiei: How far is that?

Kurama: 200 miles east.

Hiei: ...And there's no city closer than that?

Kurama: Nope. We'll be walking for a bit.

Hiei: Great, why are we wasting time?!

(6 hours later)

Kurama: With the lights off[3]

Hiei: It's less dangerous

Kurama: Here we are now

Hiei: Entertain us

Kurama: I feel stupid

Hiei: And contagious..hey we're there! Amen!

Kurama: Yeesh, now to see if they have an airport!

(Warning: Authoress has done no research on city of Klamath Falls so if anything's wrong, ignore it and move on with your life)

Kurama: sure is...busy...!

Hiei: Indeed. Let us find an airport before I pass out from the heat.

Kurama: Okay...hmmm let's see...*walks west* usually most airports are found in the west...Hiei? *Looks around* Where'd he go?

Hiei: *Hot-wires an SUV* Be there in a sec...*crosses wires* AH HAHAHA! LIIIIVE! LIIIIIIIVE!

Kurama: ...Oh well, no one's driving it. *Tosses Hiei in the trunk and get's in driver's seat* Let's go then. *Speeds off*

Man who owned car: HEY! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER'S SUV!!

Kurama: Y'know Hiei, I have no clue where I'm going and this thing has no radio. Wanna pick up where we left off?

Hiei: Why not? We were almost done with the album.

Kurama: *Sings* Here we are now

Hiei: *Sings from trunk* Entertain us

(After 2 hours of driving)

Kurama: *Sings* You want it all but you can't have it[4]

Hiei: *Sings* It's in your face but you can't grab it

Kurama: *Stops singing* Hiei?

Hiei: What?

Kurama: Do you realize we ve just gone through all 3 Nirvana albums including the last song they did, 2 Foo Fighters albums and now we're doing Faith No More. What the heck happened?

Hiei: I have no idea. And we should've found a darn airport by now!

Kurama: Yes, we should have *double-takes* and we did! Huzzah, my driving skills have saved us again! *Pulls into Klamath Falls Airport*

Hiei: *Kurama takes him out of the trunk* Did you just say huzzah?

Kurama: Ugh, no this is no time to be an English teacher! Come on, we need to catch a plane! Onward young man, to New York!
_______________________________________________________________ [1] [2] & [3] All songs by Nirvana for those who didn't know [4] Does anyone remember that band Faith No More? They did that song Epic and that was an excerpt from the song. I'm probably the only one who remembers, but they WERE 1-hit wonders after all.