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Fan Fic Blues

Fan Fic Blues

This page is dedicated to all those fanfic authors who dedicate their free time to... to... Damn it!  My muse is out of my cage again!  Any ways this page has been divided into Three sections The first one is "You know you're a fanfic writer when", the second one is, "Things you would would (or wouldn't) expect a fanfic writer to say (or type)". And last but not least a guest book where fanfic writers can drop us a link. If you have any ideas for this page send them to Re: Fan Fic Blues.

And now on with the show...

You know you're a fanfic writer when... 

You know you're a fanfic writer when... can't have anything with lemons anymore without feeling guilty. what R.A.A.C. stand for. know what OOC stands for.

...flames are not welcome. watch two different anime titles and then go "hmmmm...."

...after watching an anime your friend goes "Hey wouldn't it be funny if...", and then you go "hmmmm..."

...ramen is considered domestic food. dream of the day that the original creator of the series reads your fanfic (and likes it).'re typing on your computer when you notice that it's 2 in the morning.'re staring at your monitor when you notice that it's 2 in the morning. make a page like this and much like your fanfic, you run out of material. wonder why you have writers block when you realize that your muse has escaped from it's cage.

...your english teacher becomes your editor. get extra credit in english.

...when you hand an original story to a friend and they say "Hey that sounds a lot like (insert title here)".

...when people start wondering why you haven't updated your site and you realize that you're registered under Anipike as XX.htm instead of XX.htmL start holding seminars for fanfic writers who have just become a victim of flame critics.

...your flame critics start reminding you of Ryouga Hibiki (i.e How dare you do that to my favorite anime character!). have a page that lists every single person who has ever flamed you just so other FFW know who to look out for.

Things you would (or wouldn't) expect a fanfic writer to say (or type) 


1.  "RAMEN!"

2.  "I'm done!"

Dear flame critic,
    I would like to thank you for your well constructed criticism on my fan fic.  Your vulgar way of telling me off has made me realize how terrible my writing is and how important it is to do my work based on what other people think. In response to your letter telling me that my fanfic sucks and your grandfather (who's had both arms cut off) could write a better story using a pen stuck up his ass, I would just like to say that your grandfather is very talented and you should be very proud of him.  In conlcusion I offer you a gift.  I have inserted a very dangerous virus to this e-mail which will cause you computer to crash.  I just created this virus and chances are your anit-virus won't be able to detect it.  I hope you're as happy as I was when I read your e-mail.

Yours truly,

(insert name here)

(I wonder how many people will copy and paste this letter...)

4.  "Dubbed? Who let this into the house?"

5.  "This story is for entertainment puroses only."

6.  "No money has been made off of this fanfic."

7.  "Please don't sue me."

Dear impatient fan,
    I would like to thank you for your demanding (if not threatening) letter on "when the hell" I am going to fininsh my next fanfic.  I would like to remind you that some of us who watch anime really do have a life; and in response to you telling me that you're going to find better things to do like watch sand grow, I would like to congratulate you on being one step closer to getting a life of your own.

Yours truly,

(insert name here)

9.  Pinky:  Gee Brain wha' do you wanna do tonight?

    Brain:  The same thing we do every night Pinky... try to finish this fan fic!

10.  "I'm so cool, I'm so smart, I'm so cool, I'm so smart..."

11.  Ash:  Hey what kind of a Pokemon is that?
       Dexter:  A muse; the idea Pokemon.  Trainers that have this one have been known for interesting way of thinking.

12.  Ash:  Hey what kind of a Pokemon is that?
       Dexter:  A fanfic writer; the typing Pokemon.  This kind of Pokemon can usually be found where a muse is found.

13.  Ash:  Hey what kind of a Pokemon is that?
       Dexter:  A Flame critic; the **** Pokemon.  Known for it's ill mannered behavior, these Pokemon are usually the sworn enemy of the fanfic writer.

14.    (Phone rings.  A fan fic writer picks it up)
         FFW:  Hello?
         Mechanic:  Hey this is the repair shop.  Your muse is ready to pick up.

15.    (There is a knock at the door.  A fan fic writer opens the door to find two police officers and a muse in between them.)
         FFW:  And if you run away again mister, you're gonna be in big trouble!

16.    A fanfic writer is concentrating in his/her story.  As she/he presses the first key-
         Younger sibling:  GAH!  Tee hee hee!
         FFW:  Damn you...

17.    A fanfic writer is concentrating in his/her story.  As she/he presses the first key-
         Neighbor's dog:  Bow wow wow...
         FFW:  Doggie must die...

(Yes I love animals I just hate it when they make thier presence known at the worst time...)

18.  "Please do not distribute this fanfic once it has been-" oh no wait that's fansubs not fanfics.

19.  "Can't sleep, critics will flame me... Can't sleep, critics will flame me... Can't sleep, critics will flame me..."

20.  "Critic cracked corn, and I don't care, Critic cracked corn, and I don't care, Critic cracked corn, and I don't care..."

21.  "What do you think sirs?"

22.  "Oh my God!  You killed my muse!"  "You bastard!"

23.  News reporter:  In other news INS found a boat load of illegal muses.  Apparently the muses were promised work once they reached the continent.  Having very little to eat most of the muses were suffering from malnourishment..."

24.  This fic has been modified from its original version.  It has been formatted to fit your screen.

25.Meanwhile in the house of a flame critic...
FLamer: You suck! You suck! You suck! You suck! You suck!
Doorbell rings. Flamer steps out to see who it is...
Flamer: Ah! This brown paper bag is on fire!
Flamer stops it out.
Flamer: What's that smell?

26. Comments? Criticism? Entries? Send them to

27. Flames? Send them to

Copyright © 2001 West Hills Japanese Animation Club