From IIQuaT12eII 1.Quatre- Go away Trowa before u piss me off- oh too late 2.Trowa- :::singing::: Getto superstar. That is what u are... Heero- Stop making fun of meeeee! 3.Trowa- Heero! Get out of the shower! I have to GO! 4.Heero- Quatre, What did you learn from Earth today? Quatre- WWWWAAASSSSUUUPPP! Heero- Wassup? Duo- WWWWWAAAAAASSSSUUPPPP!!!! Trowa- WWWWWWAAAAAASSSSSSUPPPPP! Heero- We are not alone Wufei- Sounds like fun. WWWWWAAAASSSUUUUPPP! 5.Quatre-I'm Shaggy and it wasn't me. Trowa-You're not Shaggy and it was you. Quatre-Uh-uh. Trowa-Uh-huh. 6.Duo-**Wearing a pot on his head**We're gonna experience a look at a caveman.**Opens shower curtain** Heero-Ahh! Duo! Can't you see I'm in the shower? 7.Wufei-**Singing**I'm a survivor and keep on surviving. 8.Trowa-Decisions, Decisions. Is there some other way to kiss Quatre? 9.Quatre-Shaggy! Uh! DJ! Trowa-For the last time! You're not Shaggy! 10.Heero-Uhh.... Zechs, before I explode can you pay my life insurance? 11. Heero-Hi! My name is... Trowa-What? Heero-My name is... Quatre-Who? Heero-My name is **pauses** I'm not telling. 12. Duo-I like to use good grammar. The rest of the Gundam pilots-**GASP** 13. Quatre-Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay! Trowa-Now you think you're Lil Bow Wow. Quatre-No, I just like the song. 14. Trowa-I like Quatre's butt and I cannot lie. Quatre-Trowa! 15. Wufei-Pika. Pika. Pikachu! 16. Quatre-Uh... Trowa. T-R-O-W... I can't even spell his name! 17. Trowa-**crashes into Earth**We're here -nyo! 18. Heero - ME KARA BIMU!!!!!!!!!!!! **shoots beams from his eyes and fries Relena.** 19. Trowa - Hey Quatre! Wanna Play Di Gi Charat? You be Puchiko!! 20. Quatre - Nyu.... 21. Duo- Nyo. 22. Trowa- Gema!!!!!!!! 23. Wufei - What's Di Gi Charat? Trowa - Go to baka! 24. Trowa- Hi! My name is... Duo- What? Trowa- My name is... Heero- Who? Trowa- My name is **pauses** Trowa. 25. Heero- **dressed up as Puchiko** Focus on getting angry... **sees Relena** Oh man... ME KARA BIMU!!!!!!!!!! **fries Relena** *** November 23, 2001 26 Quatre- Lookie this Pokémon card has my face on it! 27 Heero- Make 7up up yours! 28 Trowa- Ya'll can call me... Lil Romeo! 29 Duo- My butt is itchy! **scratch scratch**