From KioKen26 1.Herro: hey Quatre nice shirt. Duo looking sharp! Relena your looking pretty tonight. 2.Noin: my hair is this color because I ate paint chips as a child. 3. Hylde: I ate purple paint chips also! 4. Quatre (useing Zero system): sometimes you fell like a nut... 5. Wulfe: nah. I don't feel like dueling Trez... maybe some other time... 6. Trowa: I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!! 7. Quatre: You've crossed me for the last time Maxwell! 8. Wulfe: I love the majic pony happy hour show! 9. Herro: I love you. 10. Herro: Will you marry me? 11. Herro: I do. 12. Herro: Son... 13. Herro: My real name is... 14. Wulfe: Maybe I should grow out my bangs. 15. Zechs: Oh I just gotta be me! 16. Duo: The master of happiness is back from rainbow land! 17. Herro: Time to comb my hair. 18. Duo: Give me a head of hair! long beutiful hair. 19. Herro: I failed a mission... oh well, no use self detonating over spilled milk! 20. Quatre: (watching his huge tv) hey herro, have you seen Trigun? (sighs as his eyes widen and get watery) Vash is my hero. Herro: man the pussy cant even put a bullet through the enemys head. Heck i could kill a little girl if she was in my way... in fact... were is Relena....? Quatre: uhhhhhh......yeah well....(picks up a phone and dials, then talking quietly) Relena, can you hear me? Run! Run far away! (hangs up) Herro: who was that? Quatre:............. Herro: Well? Quatre....So..... how bout that Ranma and three thirds. or was it one one forth... hmmmmm. Herro: Oh I see whats going on here.... Quatre:(reaching slowly for a gun hidden in his desk) Oh you do? Herro: Your throwing me a party!!!!! Quatre:(hand quickly retracts) Yes!!! Exactly! Herro: Will Relena be there? (pounds his fist in his hand) Man I want to kill her..... Quatre: Uh.... right.... I gotta go..... home... uh yeah.... Bye!! Quatre runs out and far far away (thats right children, far away) Herro: hmmm well this is his house.... damn he must have two houses. Trowa:There will be no party. Herro: Holy **** were the **** did you come from! ***** scared the ***** out of me... Trowa: (shrugs his shoulders) I belive i came from some kind of space zoo..... Herro looks at the tv as he hears noises. Duo is sitting playing Metal gear solid 2 Herro: hey you are here this must be my party!(eys narrow) this better be my party, other wise someone might get killed.... Duo: (looks suprised as he stares at the tv) Man this dude on the game down right fliped his lid! Character from game:(and this is a quote, seriously) I hear its amazing when the purple stuffed worm of flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on (something or other) rock! I need scissors! 61! Herro: turn that **** off... ***** I''m gonna bust a cap in your ***!!!!!!! Suddenly snake from the game is standing there. Snake: You know man if you don't kill anyone you will get a better rating when you complete your mission. Herro: What the **** are you talking about?!!!!!! Snake walks away: never mind. (he dissapears into the shadows) Wufei walks in :sup the door was open Herro: Welcome to my party! Wufei: huh? Trowa (wispering) just play along Wufei: uh yeah.... well.... a party... uh yeah of course... thats why I came.... Duo: Dude, my charecter on this game is naked! So naked! Herro shoots the tv: shut the hell up, this is my party. Duo: uh yeah... ok...(starts to twich as he pulls out his USP hand gun) Trowa puts his hand out blocking Duo from pulling the gun. He shakes his head. Duo: I wasnt gonna kill him....just mortaly wound him! Quatre walks into the room. I have set 2000 pounds of plastic explosives set to blow when i press this switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Herro shoots him. Good luck pressing it in hell. Duo still enraged from his abrupt end to Metalgear solid 2 runs and grabs the switch. Duo: Its self destruct Herro style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ka-boom!!!!!!!!!!! Herro sits on the rubble. Everyone else is dead. Damned fool shoulda known.... I never die from s*** like that. Now starts my great hunt for Relenas life! (he rips off his shirt and rubs lines of blood under his eyes) Ahah ah aha ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (he screams tarzan style) he runs off into the sunset as his crys echo into the distance. THE END 21. Herro walks up to Kathrene and shoots her. heh heh. that was funny... 22. Trowa: NOOOO!!!!! with Kathrene dead I now have but one joy in life. And that is... KNIFE FIGHTING MONKEYS! MOKEYS DAMMIT! MONKEYS! 23 Herro: If you like pita coladas, or getting caught in the rain 24. Quatre: Finally my seventeen-teen magazine! took long enough... Oh, Oh! the new Tommy Hilfigure look! come here Rashid! (smiles maddly) Its dress up time.... 25. Wufei goes into space in his gundam and crashlands on earth years later. The Earth is ruled by knife fighting monkeys and there are monuments of Trowa everywere. After many adventures Wufei comes across a statue of Treize. Wufei: It was Earth all along! Earth damn you all to hell! Earth! 26. Duo: The god of... dang this is getting old... hmm.... The Monster Zomagustar is back from Slayers! Wait no! thats not right.... 27. Duo: (telling stories to small innocent children) And then the God of Death, in all his might and glory, slit the troats of his many small, child like victims. Then he followed the survivers home and slautered them all horribly. The end. NOW GO TO SLEEP YOU LITTLE ********* BEFORE I BECOME THE GOD OF DEATH AND KILL YOU ALL!!!!! 28. Duo: has anyone seen Akira? 29. Wufei: Yeah I like it when the dude at the beggining gets shot! 30. Trowa: Yeah! and when the teddy bear comes and Tetsuo steps on jagged glass! 31. Herro: Yeah and when Tetsuo's arm gets blown off!!!!! 32. I like the obvious relationship that Kaneda and Tetsuo share, their deep freind ship that is shown even after all the maddness of Akira. The way Tetsuo beggs kaneda to run when he cant control his extreme power... (All stare at him) I like it when Tetsuo blows the crap out of those dudes at the military base!!!!!!!! Everyone: YEAH!!!!!!! 33.Herro: I gotta poop. (do perfect soilders poop? can you picture Herro pooping?) 34.Wufei (At an otaku convention, does mechanical work on his gundam and finishes after long hours) Finally! May I present.... With wide screen and installed DVD and VCR for ultimate anime entertainment (including a little adult entertainment....) Here is.... The Otaku Gundam!!!!!!!!!! (Nobody claps but the last oktan there... every one else left durning the long hours of mechanic work....)