From Lancegurl58 451.Heero:I don't wanna it to snow. Duo:Why not? Heero:It irrates my allergies. 452.Quatre:I wonder how many aunts I have. 453.Wufei:HELP MY PEN'S GONE OUT OF CONTROL! 454.Trowa:Hey Quatre,how did you spell calculator. Quatre:C-a-l..Hey,wait a minute!I'm not in a spelling bee! 455.Heero(to the other GW pilots):Ok,let's play a game. Duo:What's the name? Trowa:It's called:How many villians can you name out of DBZ in 60 seconds. Wufei:This is going to be hard! Heero:3...2...1..GO! Duo:Majin Buu!! Trowa:Perfect Cell! Duo:Imperfect Cell! Wufei:Vegeta! (buzzer) Duo:Wufei!Vegeta isn't a bad guy! Wufei:Well,wasn't he in like the earlier episodes??!! Duo:Heero...?! Heero:Sorry Duo,but Wufei's right.But we are gonna have to start the game over. Quatre(walking through the door):Crap!I already missed it! Heero:Don't worry.You're just in time. (At this point probably already know what's going to happen.If you don't, just e-mail me and I'll give you the rest of the story!) 456.Quatre:Trowa,brush or comb? Trowa:Comb. Quatre:How can you tell? Trowa:Because you aren't a woman. 457.Heero:Anybody up for another game of:How many villians can you name out of DBZ in 60 seconds. Duo:Why?I'm losing anyways! Wufei:That's because you haven't watch DBZ in like 3 months!!! Duo:I'm out! Heero(shrugs):Suit yourself. 458.Duo:Look at me!I'm Cinderella! 459.Heero singing:You can run,you can die,but you can't escape. 460.Wufei:I'm such a playa. Quatre:But how much krome do ya have Wufei? Wufei:What the hell is krome?! 461.Duo:HAPPY ST.PATRICK'S DAY EVERONE!! 462.Quatre:AH!MY VIOLIN BROKE! Trowa thinking:Finally!I was getting tired of that thing! 463.Heero:Guys,I think I was wrong all along. Duo:About what Heero? Heero:Dorothy is my enemy not Relena. (I guess he finally understood!) 464.(Wufei,Trowa,Quatre,and Heero are still playing:How many DBZ villians can you name in 60 seconds?) Quatre:Capt. Ginyu Heero:Android 18 (Buzzer) Wufei:Quatre wins that round. Heero:WHAT?! Trowa:Heero,#18 is Krillin's wife.She isn't a bad guy. Heero:Man.You do have a point though. Wufei:Quatre's the winner though. ::Duo walks in:: Wufei:Where the hell have you been Maxwell? Duo:I went out with Hilde while you guys were playing the game remember?I quit playing about 7 hours ago. 465.Heero as a fortune teller 466.Trowa thinking:Can I talk to animals? 467.Heero:Oh boy,April Fools Day is coming up. Duo:I know what that means. Me with a little smirk on my face:If you think of embarassing me on my b-day I'll kill all of you,and I mean that! 468.Trowa:Spring Break.Type to find another hot chick to keep me company. 469.Quatre:MACHO MACHO MAN! 470.Wufei:Getting up at 5:00 just doesn't cut it anymore.I need to start getting up at 4:30. Duo:Why?So you can just lay around all day? 471.Relena thinking:Maybe if I work out a little bit more,Heero will like me more. 472.Duo:Y-M-C-A! 473.Heero:Spring Break is finally here!Now I can get away from that stupid bitch! 474.Duo:Justin and Britney finally confess that those stupid rumors weren't true.My god.This is a bunch of b.s. 475.Duo:HAPPY EASTER AND APRIL FOOL'S DAY EVERYONE Me thinking:And Duo's goin' get a really good April Fool's because it's my b-day! 476.Heero:Sleep...sleep...sleep.My eyes hurt soooo much! 477.Trowa:I'm gonna get ------ (yeah,that's my name.It isn't always Lancegurl58!)a really good b-day present. Wufei:How many times do I have to hear about that woman. Duo:SHUT UP WUFEI!If it wasn't for her,we wouldn't've gotten this far! 478.Heero:I can't stand this gum! Duo:Yeah,no wonder! It's suck to the roof of your mouth! Heero:Great.Get a jackhammer and help me get it out! It hurts like hell. 479.Relena singing:I just can't get you out of my head... 480.Trowa:What the hell is Vulakanus? 481.Quatre:Did anyone know there was actually a think called the Perfect Peace People? 482.Duo:Great,it's baseball season.Now I can give up basketball! 483.Wufei:Ugh!To much rain!My perfect hair is sooooo messed up! 484.Relena:Sleep...sleep...sleep... 485.Duo:WHADDUP MY HOMIES?! 486.Duo's hair gets shocked by lighting and he starts growing an afro. Duo:I miss my braids! 487.Quatre(to Heero):What the hell happned to Duo: Heero:His hair got struck by lighting. Trowa:I think that give him some style. Duo(with a knife!):AND IF ANY OF YOU SAY ONE MORE THING ABOUT MY HAIR I'LL KILL YOU! Trowa:I guess he agreed with me. Everyone gives Trowa the "shut up or I'm going to kill you" look. 488.Heero:Wow.I actually "had" someone I cared about when I was a kid. 489.Duo(reading Episode Zero. To Trowa,pointing to the little girl):Who the hell is that?! Trowa:Some girl. Duo:Trowa! C'mon! Admit it! You had a girlfriend! 490.Quatre:You know what scares me Trowa? Trowa:What Quatre? Quatre:That Wufei was actually married before he became a gundam pilot. Trowa:I wonder what happened to his ring. 491.Relena:This Spirit movie looks really cool(if you have no idea what I'm talking about,it's a horse movie coming out Memorial Day Weekend.). 492.Duo:I'M GOING TO SEE BLINK-182 TOMORROW!!! 493.Heero thinking:I wonder if people would like me more if I was MTV. 494.Duo:TORNADO! I'M GONNA DIE! Wufei: Will you shut up already? Get into a fricken basement. You aren't going to die. 495.Trowa:If it wasn't for that rain,I would've gotten more sleep. Quatre:Yeah. Me too. I was 'till about 6 in the morning. 496.Heero singing:It's gettin' hot in here,so take off all your clothes! 497.Duo singing:Eatin' good,in the neighborhood!(APPLEBEES!) 498.Trowa singing Love is a many Splendid Thing. 499.Heero:Wow.They actually started over with the Dragonball Z episodes. Duo:Good.Now I can see all the episodes I missed. 500.Duo:WOW! 500 ENTRIES! WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO BEAT THAT! LANCEGURL58's DA BOMB! C'MON PEOPLE! WE NEED A COMPETITION GOIN' ON HERE! 501.Trowa:DAMN!This girl has an 'Nsync fanfic that has over 120 pages!DAMN! 502.Quatre:I wish they would let us record more songs... 503.Wufei:SPIDERMAN ROCKS MAN! 504.Heero makes out his life as a college drunk... 505.Duo:My girlfriend dumped me just because of my looks. Trowa snickers:Are you sure it wasn't because of your hair?! 507.Trowa thinking about Middi Une(the girl he met in Episode Zero):I wonder how her family is doing. 508.Heero:My social calander is really looking on the "dark" side. 509.Heero and Relena as the stars in Moulin Rouge. 510.Trowa:Damn,with all these finals coming up I don't have time to do anything anymore. Duo:I see what you mean! 511.Heero:Thank god all the seniors of 2002 are gone! 512.Relena singing:Under the sea! 513.Quatre:YAY!SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE! Duo:Quatre,keep it down!And besides,summer isn't "quite" here yet. ::Quatre slaps him and runs to the pool:: 514:Duo:Whaddya want me to do?Dress in drag and do the hula?! 515.Wufei:This Lilo and Stitch movie looks kinda cute. Duo:Are you talkin' about the girl or the alien? Wufei thinking:I swear I'm gonna kill him. 516.Heeo thinking:Why is it like in every manga,Wufei is always the last person to show up and never knows what's going on? 517.Relena decides she wants to play the flute. 518.Trowa singing:I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... 519.Duo as Ozzy Osbourne(Oh man,wouldn't that be the life?!) 520.Wufei singing:Chris Kirkpatrick,you could get your ass kicked worse then the little Limp Bizkit bastards... 521.Relena thinking(and being reaaaaaaaally stupid like usual!LOLOLOL!!!):Should I go out in the thunderstorm? 522.Trowa:I'm gonna quit the circus and join the swim team. Catherine hears him and hits him with a frying pan. Trowa:What the hell was the for?! Catherine:Cause you'd look ugly in a bathing suit! 523.Heero:God my back hurts after doing that dive. 524.Duo:I wonder if I could be like Ramna and turn myself into a girl. Wufei:That's kind of funny because you act like one. Duo::shaking his head::Why do I bother? 525.Quatre:NO MORE NSYNC PLEASE!