From MiraiMegami15 1) Duo: "Why am I so girly!!! I should be more like......Wufei!" 2)Duo: "I hate this priest outfit I want to go for the Heero look!" 3)Duo: "I wanna cut my's so ugly....I hate it!!!!!" 4)Duo: "I luv u Relena....and I totally believe in ur beliefs (valley grl accent....O.O)<- that's my face if I ever heard him talk like that! 5)Duo: "Deathsythe's soooo gay!!" 6)Duo: "My favorite color is's so cute!!" 7)Heero: "I hate wars....I should be a pacifist just like Relena!" 8) Heero: "I luv u Relena....will u marry me!?" O.O (I'll be making this face a lot!! 9) Heero: "Wing Zero is so weak...I hate it!!" 10) Heero: "My Favorite color!!!" 11) Heero: "I hate my monotone voice....I wanna talk just like Relena!" 12) Heero: "Relena.....why don't u luv me....I luv u......WWWAAAAA!!!" 13) Heero: "I hate this spandex shorts....they always give me a MAJOR wedgy (sp.?)" O.O 14) Heero: "(in fat bastards accent, u know austin powers) I'm so sexy...look @ my sexy body" 15) Heero: "I don't wanna die...I luv my life!! WAAAAA!!!!!!" O.O;;;;;; 16) Heero: My Thoughts: Imagining Heero going in a store and buying that teddy bear 4 Relena. O.O;; 17) Trowa: "hi" (gasp he speaks) 18) Trowa:"Heavyarms should be pink and it looks to should have a teddy bear painted in the middle!" O.O 19) Trowa:"I hate my hairstyle....I want Duo's hair!" 20) Trowa:"Catherine would u please stop throwing those knifes @ me it's scares me......*starts balling*" O.O;; 21) Trowa:"Don't u just think I'm the greatest....I do!!" 22) Trowa:" Just call me......Tarzan!!!! *starts banging chest like a monkey, and swinging and juming all over the place) O.o 22) Quatre: "I wanna kill every1" 23) Quatre: "Man..I hate peace I want an all out war!!" (starts laughing like he did when his father was killed) =/ 24) Quatre: "I like fuzzy things" 25) Quatre: "Man I hate my pink shirt I want it to I can be all gothic and call myself Shinigami" O.o;;; 26) Quatre: "Sandrock is sooo gay! I want to pilot Deathscythe and destroy everything!!!" 27) Quatre: "Dorthey (sp.?) I luv u and ur eyebrows.....will u marry me?" O.o;;;;;; 28) Quatre: "Go now my minions (magunacs sp.?) and help me rule the world!!!!" 29) Quatre: "I'm snooty and rich...and ur poor! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! U will now obey my every command!!!" O.o;;;;; 30) Quatre: "Earth is ugly and it suks!" 31) Quatre: "Screw the colonies.....I hope they all die 4 betraying us!!!" (remember episode: 32) Quatre: "Betrayed by home, far away"?) 33) Wufei: "All women r stronger than men!" 34) Wufei: "Nataku is such a weakling....just like me!!" (starts balling) O.O;;; 35) Wufei: "I wanna paint Nataku PINK,'s my fav. color!!" O.o;;; 36) Wufei: "I hate martial arts....and dragons.....and honor....and justice....and my heritage!!!!" 37) Wufei: "I'm a weakling......Relena is waaaayyy stronger than me!!!" 38) Wufei: "I'm pacifism.....and I luv Relena!!" (starts blushing like crazy) O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (I could NEVER imagine this happening!) 39) Wufei: "Everybody luvs me.....I'm so luvable and sexy!!" (starts dancing around the room) O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 40) Wufei: "I hate dragons they're to scary" (starts crying like a little baby) 41) Wufei: "Trieze I luv u......ur my idol!!!" 42) Wufei: "Britney Spears is my idol....she's so hot!!!"......O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;; 43) Relena: "Heero.....I hate u" 44) Relena: "Wufei....ur the one I want!!!!" Wufei: "woho!!!!" 0.0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 45) Relena: "I hate pacifism.....I want an all out War!!!!" 46) Relena: "Wars are cool....and I think those that die in war are losers and probably deserved it!!" O.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 47) Relena: "I think I should start dressing and acting like Britney Spears" (Wufei sarts drooling @ the thought) O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 48) Relena: "I think I should give away all my money.....and become and nun!!!" =/ (wierd thought!!!) 49) Relena: "I wanna fight in a gundam.....and blow s*** up!!!!!" O.O