From rinijupiter 1. Duo: (to Heero) Is it me, or do those shorts cut off your circulation? 2. Heero: Shut up, Duo, just cuz you don't look as good in spandex... 3. Trowa and Quatre: Love me, that's all I ask of you...... 4. Duo and Nephrite starting a bitch fight over who has better hair 5. Kunzite: (to Zechs) Revlon #58, Pure White? Zechs: *GASP* How did you guess?! 6. Duo, Heero, and Quatre dressed as the Sailor Starlights... and they're still guys. 7. Heero: Do these shorts make my butt look big? 8. Duo: Man, I need to go on a diet.... 9. Wufei: GIRL POWER! 10. All of the pilots: One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster.... (from Chess) 11. Relena: What do you mean kicking Heero's ass isn't in my contract?!? 12. Heero sees Duo brandishing a riding crop, and with a sigh of resignation, bends over. 13. Relena: Peace? What's that?