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Tree of Powers

President & V.P.

Secretary Treasurer ICC
Librarian Events


* - Things that are required by the school

Title: President
FALL 2003 President : Ryan O'Connor
*Club Recharter (once a tri)
*Getting a room (once a tri)
*Plan Welcome BBQ (once a tri)
1st Day rep (once a tri)
*Hold Business (every other week)
Ordering the TVs for meetings (every week)
Helping out other officers (varies)
Paperwork on site:
Agenda sheet

Title: Vice President
FALL 2003 V.P. : David Boyd
-To oversee the duties of the president when he is not present (varies)
Paperwork on site:
None available. Please see Pete Young at Student Services for any assistance

Title: Secretary
FALL 2003 Secretary : Fredirick Guese
*Turning in Minutes (every other week)
Assist Club Librarian (varies)
Paperwork on site:
Weekly attendance - with names
Weekly attendance - blank

Title: Librarian
FALL 2003 Librarian : Fredirick Guese
Distribution and Maintaining Club Library (varies)
Paperwork on site:
Library Out List

Title: Treasurer
FALL 2003 Treasurer: Michael Flores
Create a budget for school tri (Once a tri)
Approving Members into Haori Societey (varies)
Regulate fundraisers (Varies)
Paperwork on site:
Fundraiser Profit / Loss Sheet
Club Budget - blank
Event Roster - blank

Title: ICC Representative
FALL 2003 ICC Rep.: Mae Capalla
*Represent club at the ICC Meetings (once a month)
Maintain Club Board Appearance (at least once a month)
Maintain Web Appearance (at least once a month)
Maintain relations with the outside world (varies)
Paperwork on site:
None available. Please see Pete Young at Student Services for any assistance

Krispy Kreme

Copyright © 2001 West Hills Japanese Animation Club