From Espectra 1. Kasumi: Hey Ranma would you like to go lingere shopping with me? I need an opinion when I try on outfits. Ranma: Sure I need to see if my order is in anyways... 2. Eddie Murphy: KASUMI, you don't have to put on that red dress... 3. Ranma: I'm finally rid of my curse! 4. Ryouga: What's GPS? 5. Ranma: Tell me why... Other male characters: Ain't nothin' but a heart break... 6. Akane: Ranma I can't marry you. Ranma: Why not? Akane: Because I like girls. Ranma: Um Akane... 7. Ranma: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, Still... 8. Ranma: You can't connect two independent clauses with just a comma! 9. Akane: I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother... 10. Entry removed because it just isin't funny. 11. Ranma: Not me and her; it's she and I! 12. Ranma-chan walks out of her room in her pajamas. Background music: Oogachaga ooga ooga oogachaga ooga ooga... Ranma-chan: Not again... 13. Kasumi walks out of her room in her night gown. Background music: Oogachaga ooga ooga oogachaga ooga ooga... Kasumi: Oh my what a cute baby; would you like to dance? (a crossover with Ranma 1/2 and Ally McBeal. Hmmm...) 14. New Orleans. Mardi Gras. Ranma-chan runs into her hotel room with beads around her neck... Ranma-chan: HOT WATER! I NEED HOT WATER NOW!!! 15. Ranma and Ryouga having a slug fest on the Jerry Springer Show (no special moves, just a plain old fist fight.) 16. Kasumi and anyone else are catfighting on the Jerry Springer Show (except Ranma-chan) and she kicks thier butt. (Everyone now... Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!) 17. Akane walking alongside Ranma when Shampoo glomps onto Ranma Akane: (thinking) Hmmm... you know it really isin't Ranma's fault that Shampoo is flirting with him. 18. Akane: Skank! Shampoo: Bitch! (Again... Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!) 19. Ranma: (To Mousse) Dude, have you ever thought about contacts or laser eye treatment? 20. Kuno: I shall lay thee smacketh down on thee! 21. Kuno walks out of his mansion when he notices a Gundam on his front lawn. (Ted Cole, we thank you!) 22. Ranma: (Singing) Here comes that rainy day feelin' again... 23. At the beginning of the "Outa Control" Series... Akane: (Thinking) Is it me or has Ranma's voice changed? 24. Genma: D'oh! 25. Ranma & company are in a station wagon. Everyone: Hanging out, down the street, the same old things, we did last week... 26. P-Chan is about to go into Akane room (while she's changing) when Mimi (from 'The Drew Carey Show') stops him in his tracks. Mimi: I don't think so PIG! 27. Kasumi: My hair color looks so unnatural. Maybe I should change it to pink! 28. Akane: Oogamii! (If you have Sakura Taisen 3 you might get this joke...) 29. Akane: That's it Ranma! I'm breaking our engagement! Some time later... Akane: Hey wow we're back together! Next day... Akane: That's it Ranma! I'm breaking our engagement! Some time later... Akane: Hey wow we're back together! Next day... Akane: That's it Ranma! I'm breaking our engagement! Some time later... Akane: Hey wow we're back together! Next day... 30. Akane: That's it Ranma! I'm breaking our engagement! Ranma: Hmm... okay. Akane: Huh? 31. Ryouga: Um Akane, I have something to show you... Akane: What is it Ryouga? Ryouga takes a bucket of cold water and dumps it over his head... Akane: (Pause) P-chan! Where have you been?! (Personally I think it would be really REALLY sad if this happened... -WHJAC) 31. Ranma-chan: DRAGON SLAVE! 32. Kuno: Oro? 33. Nabiki: Just wild beat, communication... 34. Akane: Wow so Ranma wasn't really at fault. 35. Akane: Hmm... Maybe I should apologize to Ranma for not hearing him out... Nah! Tee hee! 36. Akane: Ranma! Save me! Ranma: Save yourself! 37. Ranma: That's it Akane! I'm leaving the Tendo dojo, and going over to Ucchan's to get laid! 38. Ranma: That's it Akane! I'm leaving the Tendo dojo, and going over to the Nekohanten to get laid! 39. Ranma: That's it Akane! I'm leaving the Tendo dojo, and going over to Koda... aw what the hell... 40. Ranma is walking down the street when he finds 10,000 yen on the ground. (In another part of Nerima Nabiki is doing bookwork) Nabiki: (raises her head) Money... 41. Ranma is invited to play spin the bottle with the entire Female cast. (Except Nodoka) 42. Ryouga reads the previous entry. Ryouga: (To me) Hey how come only Ranma was invited? Moi: Because he's the only one that deserves to get some. 43. ???: You are the weakest link... Goodbye! Akane: Bitch... 44. Akane: (Singing) So many men, so little time... 45. Ranma playing Dance Dance Revolution... 46. Ryouga: Where am I? Ryouga finds himself in front of a coffee shop called "Central Perk". 47. Ryouga gets his own series called "Ryouga 1/2". 48. Genma: (Thinking) Hmmm... Maybe taking Ranma away from Nodoka on a training trip was a bad idea... 49. Genma: (Thinking) Hmmm... Maybe dropping Ranma into a pit of hungry cats wasn't such a good idea... 50. Genma: (Thinking) Hmmm... Maybe going to China without knowing a word of Chinese was not the best thing to do... 51. Ryouga: Where am I? Ryouga finds himself on the street next to some stairs going down. Next to the stairs is a sign saying "Cheers". 52. ???: You are the weakest link... Goodbye! Kasumi: Bitch... 53. ???: You are the weakest link... Goodbye! Ryouga: (Short pause) This is all Ranma's fault! 54. Happosai: Panties! Panties! Pan- Happosai gabs his chest and "falls" onto his back and in a second stops moving. Ranma checks Happosai's pulse. Ranma: Wow, after all these years, he's finally dead. PAAAAAAAAAARTTYYYYYYYYYY 55. Ryouga reads any lemon fanfic involving Ranma and Akane... Ryouga: RANMA! YOU MUST DIE! 56. Ryouga: Ranma can do no good, I can do no wrong... Ranma can do no good, I can do no wrong... Ranma can do no good, I can do no wrong... 57. Akane: I can do no wrong, Ranma can do no good... I can do no wrong, Ranma can do no good... I can do no wrong, Ranma can do no good... 58. Ranma: I feel so outa place. I wanna wear a school uniform and follow the crowd! 59. Ryouga: Where am I? Ryouga finds himself next to a airport sign with the letters "LAX" 60. Ranma-chan: Dammit Kuno don't get it! I'M A GUY! Kuno: I know... 61. Ranma Akane and Ryouga are in the Volvo commerical where Ranma is trying to get to the wedding. 62. Akane and Ryouga are getting married when they turn around to see Ranma banging on a window. After a brief pause Ranma and Akane burst through the church door and try to bar the exit. Then jump on a bus. Simon and Garfunkei: God Bless you please Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know... whoa, whoa, whoa... God Bless you please Mrs. Robinson, Heaven hold a place for those who pray.... hey, hey, hey... hey, hey, hey... 63. Kasumi: I'm Sailor Moon and in the name of the moon, I'll punish you! 64. Ranma: Kasumi, will you marry me? 65. Ranma: Nabiki, will you marry me? 66. Ranma: Ukyou, will you marry me? 67. Ranma: Shampoo, will you marry me? 68. Ranma: Hinako, will you marry me? 69. Ranma: Kodachi, will you- Before Ranma can say anything else they're both at it like monkeys. And because you knew it was comming... 70. Ranma: Akane, will you marry me? 71. Ranma: No I really don't have a fear of cats, it was just a cheap excuse to kiss Akane and to get Shampoo of my friggin' back! 72. Akane: A horse is a horse of course of course, and nobody can talk to a horse of course, that is of course unless the horse is the famous mister Ed! (tee-hee) Ranma: Is that supposed to have some kind of hidden meaning? 73. Akane: Hmm... Maybe I should get P-Chan fixed... (Please tell me what you think of that last one) 74. Akane: Ne, P-Chan guess what! Ranma says he loves me! Sometime later... Ryouga: Ranma! How dare you say something like that to Akane! 75. Akane: Ne, P-Chan guess what! Ranma says he wants to marry me and he plans to dump the other girls! Sometime later... Ryouga: Ranma! How dare you treat Akane that way! 76. Ryouga: Ranma! How dare you fool around with more than one womans feelings! Ranma: Oh yeah what about you and Akari? Ryouga: Well that's diffrent! Ranma: Really how so? Ryouga: Because whatever I do it will always be the right thing! Ranma: oh... kay... 77. Ranma: I think it's time we blow this thing; get everybody and thier stuff together; ok 3, 2, 1, let's jam. 78. Colonge & Happosai: (Singing) Ways to need me ways to feed me at sixhundred sixty four. 79. Kasumi and Ranma find themselves under the mistletoe. Ranma: Uh you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to. Kasumi: Oh no it's not like that I really find you attractive it's just that hold on a sec... Kasumi returns and splashes Ranma with bucket of cold water... Kasumi: Ok, I'm ready! 80. Ranma-chan finds herself wearing a blue short skirt school uniform. Suddenly Kasumi comes out in a skimpy leather outfit and whip. Ranma: Kasumi? Kasumi: Oh ho ho ho ho! Miyuki-chan! Call me your queen! 81. Ranma-chan: Pappara Funi-Funi Pappara Hoe-Hoe Pappara Funi-Funi Tamago... 82. Soun: It's the Tendo Family hour! 83. Ryouga: (singing) Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner, but he knew it wouldn't last... 84. Ranma: Help me information get in touch with my Marie, she the only who's called me from Memphis Tennessee... 85. Ranma and Ryouga: (Singing) Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? 86. Ranma-chan: What the world, needs now is love sweet love; it's the only that there's just too little of... 87. Ranma: Saotome secret technique! Anything goes fan fic writing! 88. Ranma in a Final Fantasy game... 89. Ryouga in a Final Fantasy game... 90. Akane in a Final Fantasy game... 91. Kasumi in a Final Fantasy game... (Bet you didn't see that one comming...) 92. Nabiki in a Final Fantasy game... 93. Nabiki: Kasumi! It's Working Designs they want to know if you can do Lunar 3 - the return of the Goddess Althena... (Oh if it could only happen...) 94. Kasumi: Everyone! I just got a call for a voice acting job! I'm going to be in Dragon Half the T.V. series! 95. Kasumi is handed a script to the OAV series "Green Legend Ran" when she finds out what happens to her character... Kasumi: Oh my. (To say anything else would be a spoiler...) 96. Kasumi: My heart iimasen nai, Please kissu shite kute... 97. Nabiki: I do... Priest: And do you Ranma take Nabiki to be your... 98. Kasumi is handed a script to the Video game "Sakura Taisen 3" when she reads a quick bio on her character... Kasumi: Oh my. That is an awfully long time... 99. Ranma: Saotome secret technique! Anything goes Fansubbing! 100.Ranma: Saotome final techine! Ricki Martin cosplaying! Ryouga: Huh? Ranma: Upside inside out! Livin' la vida loca! Ryouga: Make him stop! Make him stop! (Break out the champagne; I just hit 100!) 101.Meanwhile in the nerv center of the WHJAC... Editor: Typo, typo, typo; I not i; typo, typo, typo; improper sentence structure- oh no wait that's Shampoo never mind... 102.Ranma: (Singing) Anything you can do, I can do better... Ryouga: (Singing) I can do anything better than you... 103.Ranma: Brittney... Ryouga: Christina... Ranma: Britney. Ryouga: Christina. Ranma: Britney! Ryouga: Christina! Ranma: BRITNEY!!! Ryouga: CHRISTINA!!! 104.Ranma: Silly Ryouga, Trix are for kids! P-Chan: Bukiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 105.Ranma: Ok Ryouga it's either kicking you ass or passing out lolipops, and I'm all out of lolipops! 106. Ranma-chan: (singing) utai, odori butai gahanete... kimi ni todoke koyoi takanaru sonona... 107.Akane: (Singing) You were handsome Ranma: (Singing) You were pretty, queen of New York city... 108.Someone tries to steal Kasumi's purse. Kasumi: (Screams) That's my purse! Thief: Huh? Kasumi: I don't know you! Kasumi then kicks the thief in the crotch. 109.Ranma: PS2... Ryouga: X-Box... Ranma: PS2. Ryouga: X-Box. Ranma: PS2! Ryouga: X-Box! 110.Ranma: Lucy... Ryouga: Desi... Ranma: Lucy. Ryouga: Desi. Ranma: LUCY! Ryouga: DESI! 111.Ryouga: Hmmm... Maybe the reason Ranma didn't wait for me for our fight wasn't because he was a coward; I mean it was in the empty lot behind my house, and he did wait for four days... 112.Ranma: Taste great... Ryouga: Less filling... Ranma: Taste great. Ryouga: Less filling. Ranma: Taste great! Ryouga: Less filling! Ranma: TASTES GREAT! Ryouga: LESS FILLING! Ranma: TASTES GREAT! Ryouga: LESS FILLING! 113.Ryouga: Now where am I? Verizon Spokesperson: Can you hear me now? Good! 114. Ryouga: Where am I? Ryouga finds himself in next to a black single lane road surrounded by tall green grass. A really fast car whizes by him when he feels a tug on his pants. Boy: (whispering) Zoom Zoom...