From Jeanette 1. Nabiki: I just looove this Jeannette Dyer lady! Me: Cool, Nabs! Why'd you say that, my darling? Nabiki: You're great when you seduce me in bed, my hot lesbian one. 2. Nabiki: Even the Sonic Checkbook won't get me outta this proposal. Ranma, Jeannette, Akane, anybody! DON'T LET YOUR SWEET NABIKI DIE IN COLD BLOODON THE GROUND, PLEASE DARLING! 3. Shampoo: FEMALE RANMA!! SHAMPOO MUST EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE! 4. Kodachi: For a hot time, (I'm a bi, too!) dial 1-800-KODACHI! Or just knock on my front door, darling. 5. TV: You are watching FOX. All except Shampoo: WE ARE WATCHING FOX. Shampoo: Shampoo no like FOX. Shampoo no wanna end up like Ned Flanders and be damned for all eternity. Me: Oh come on Shampoo! It's just a network slogan. Now...(sexy voice) will you give me that shiatsu massage you promised me and Nabiki? Shampoo: All right. Shampoo give you nice backrub. Shampoo nice girlie with lavender locks, yes? Nabiki: We know Shamps. Shampoo: Shampoo wish she can speak in 1st person, too. Oh well...(she gives me and Nabs nice backrubs and a cool drink, too.) I really don't have any idea where 6 & 7 went. Gomen Nasai ^^' 8. Kasumi: Nabiki, won't you come with me and Jeannette to church? TV: Coming up next, make your own hit anime sex comedy. Nabiki: Very sure Kasumi. (smiles) 9. Kasumi: Hey Jeannette, darling, why don't you cook for me tonight? Akane: Hey sis, why does Jeannie have to cook instead of me? Is it 'cause she's not a Tendo or she can upstage me like Lanko? Jeannette: Come on Akane, I'll show ya, I can do a mean Cajun style okonomiyaki. And if you'll like, I'll give you the recipe, too. Akane: You really mean it? Jeannette: Yes. 10.Shampoo: Hey Jeannette, Shampoo like your hair! Is same hairdo as Shampoo's! BTW, want a drinkie and ramen on the house? And maybe a date with Shampoo? Shampoo so nice. 11.Kodachi: Hello Jeannette darling! I'm Kodachi Kuno. We modeled long sleveed leotards at my place and you looked hot! Listen, in exchange for a lesbian date with me, this is the favour I want to ask of you. I'm no longer the captain of the St Hebereke Martial Rhythmic Gymnastics Team! My co-captain wants to do a bit of 'housecleaning' and start with a clean slate. BTW, she finds you'll be a really good captain for the team and your ballet slippers are really nice. Don't worry, darling, I'll still teach you what you need to know to be a good captain and I'll promise I'll be clean this time. BTW, what shade lipstick would you want me to wear on my date with you? Take your time, Jeannette darling. 12.Ukyou: Hey Jeannette, you can date me, but on one condition: will you work with me at Ucchan's? I need some staff for summer break and I've seen ya flip a cool okonomiyaki with grace and skill. 13.Akane: Date with you, Jeannette?! Yeah, but only 'cause I hate Ranma and I need a secret crush. Oh and wanna watch me work out? You can learn well from me, Jean-chan. 14.Nabiki: You want me to be your fiancee? Okay, but you have to bribe me first. And keep our saucy relationship secret. BTW, I await you in my room anon, baby! 15.Kasumi: Oh my, Jeannette wants a date with me? Sure, I will show you where I sleep, how I want to be touched and kissed, and two, I could use someone to massage my feet and make me laugh, I don't wanna be known as "Miss Bum On Step 2002"! (laughs!) 16.Shampoo: Here is "Rejected Ranma 1/2 Episode Titles #1". Enjoy while I go massage Jeannette's feet. She is active girl and very spicy HOT, but loves being pampered by darling Shampoo, too 1. An Unearthly Amazoness 2. Terror Of The Ryogas 3. Trial Of An Uncute Tomboy 4. The Two Ranmas 5. Miss Shampoo & The Silurians 6. Planet Of The Ukyous 7. Power Of The Ukyous 8. The Dalek Invasion Of Nerima 2150AD 9. The Ukyous' Master Okonomiyaki Bake-Off 10. Genesis Of The Akanes Shampoo: And as a bonus treat for you: (read below!) 17. Akane: Jeannette darling! I faked orgasms when I made love to you last night. I don't usually do this. Please forgive me. Jeannette: I forgive you. BTW...want to know a juicy secret? Akane: Go on, lover girl. Jeannette: I faked my big 'O's too. Akane: I don't mind us faking our orgasms, as long as you're nice to me. BTW...Kasumi's making romantic dinner for us. Join me, okay? (kiss) Love you! Jeannette: Love you too, Akane. (kisses back, then heads for the bathroom to change for dinner) *Nabiki walks by me* Nabs: You're pathetic you know that, Jeannette? I WOULD never fake my orgasms when I make love. Please...dump Akane and trade up with me. Date me! I'm much more fun and sexy than Akane. Akane: Nabiki you jerk! I don't care if I have my big 'O's or not. Jeannette is happy being my fiance, right Jeannette darling? Jeannette: She's my princess fiesty all right. Akane: I'll wait for you in the bath. Nabiki: Ooooh, Akane wants to take a bath with Jeannette? Jeannette: None of your business, Nabs! Nabiki: All right, but it's gonna cost ya, you sexy girl, you. 10000 yen, and you have to buy me that new Final Fantasy X game by the end of the week, or I'm telling Father you slept with Akane behind Ranma's back and had sex, too...! Jeannette: (sigh) All right, all right. (hands over money to Nabs) I'll get you that game you asked for. (mutters under breath) Stupid two-point conversion and lack of privacy. Nabiki: That's a good woman. go bathe with Akane. She sure loves you, too. You're even more spicy hot than Ranma. And you're all woman, too! Jeannette: Got it in one, Princess. (runs to bathroom, then jumps in the bath with Akane) Hello, Princess Akane. I've been waiting for you, darling. (hugs Akane) Other names for Shampoo! 1. Darling 2. The Divine "Miss N."! (the n is for "nihao!') 3. Lavender Locks 4. Glomp Gal Lessie Titles For Ranma Songs! 1. Don't Make Me Hot Like You 2. Lesbianic (Let's keep us girlfriends for now) 3. Lessie Date 4. Lai Lai Girl (Don't Mind, China Girl) 5. Hold Me! 6. Lesbian Lambada Ranma 7. Lesbian Love Panic (OAV Opening Theme) 8. The Ballad Of Shampoo (Closing Theme #1) and Jeannette Dyer 9. Where Do We Go (OAV Opening Theme #2) For Next Date? 10. Red Panty Sunday (OAV Closing Theme #2, naughty lesbian version of "Red Shoe Sunday") 1. Naughty Amazon Gal: Shampoo Gets Spanked By Jeannette! 2. Part Of The Tribe, Part 1: Jeannette Trains With Shampoo (Note: This is my first time being a Chinese Amazon on the show, even though I was born French- Japanese. That way, Shampoo and I can learn each other's customs and not have to give each other the kiss of death when things get REALLY hot!) 3. Part Of The Tribe, Part 2: Jeannette's New Bonbories! 4. Part Of The Tribe, Part 3: Shampoo teaches Jeannette the "Chestnuts Roasting" technique! 5. Part Of The Tribe, Part 4: Walk Like A Joketsuzoku (I'm a Chinese Amazon warrior princess now, so I have to wear my sexy new Chinese dress and shoes with pride.) 6. Joketsuzoku Fun 1: Secret Lesbian Romance! (I date Shampoo behind Ranma's back.) 7. Joketsuzoku Fun 2: Who Do You Give The Kiss Of Death To, Jeannette Darling? 8. Shampoolicious! Shampoo's First Lesbian Kiss 9. Shampoolicious II: Jeannette and Shampoo's 2nd date. 10. Shampoolicious III: In Bed With A Chinese Amazon Princess. (A half hour Ranma 1/2 mockumentary special where Shampoo and I show you what Chinese Amazon life is life in and out of the tribe. Go on, watch it and maybe Shampoo will give you a big kiss and a hug for watching.) 1. "She's really fine! OUCH!!!" (gets wrists slapped by Sailor Moon Uncensored webmaster for using slang when Kodachi Kuno's concerned) 2. "I love you, I would date with you, I would go to bed and make love to you." 3. "Tell me, you like TOYS?" 4. "Darling...draw the glazed honey from my Geisha lips, why don't ya?" 5. "Comfort, darlink, comfort." 6. "Wo ai ni, Kodachi-hime." 7. "I gotta get a leotard like yours, Ko-chan!" 8. "Let's dance!" 9. "I'm hot for you, let's get it on at my place, Princess!" 10. "I can't resist your black magic and your sexy voice and leotard. Okay, I'm yours!" 11. "I'm not bad, Kodachi, I was lesbianized that way. Let's have sex, my darling!" (takes clothes off much to Kodachi's arousal and we embrace and french kiss) 12. "That was tight!" (me, on Kodachi's lesbian lovemaking prowess. She's so hot!) 13. "Kodachi Kuno, will you marry me? I'll wear a nice kimono, and I'll have my body waxed and silky smooth for you."