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Konnichiwa! Welcome to Assassins Paradise! This was My newly-created Weiß Shrine! It has beeen a whole year since I have worked on this site since to random craziness of moving. I promise one day whan when i get my PC up and running that I will continue on this site so please hang in there. If you would like to submitt Fanworks, Feel free to.(It may take a while but ill get it done. If you wish to send them through snail because my e mail account tends to expire by the time i find pics and fic e mail me personaly. I am having my friend check my e mail for me so I know whats going on. e-mail me.I would like to here your feed back on what you would like to see on my site!(and what you do and dont like)For those who send fics and art i will be having poll for the art and fics to see who has the best that week or month. For instancs lets say there is to be a christmas theme for weiss.Who ever has the best christmas weiss fic will be rewarded with your name or alies being on the front page with a congrads from mwah and a banner that I will or will have made for you to use on your site! If it was an art contest I will put the winners art up in the bg of the home page or I will just stick it on my home page(and you get the banner too) so send me those fan works!

June 3,2003

Hello everyone! It has been a whole year since i have worked on this site... I really have no updates...WAH! I have not beeen a ble to use a computer for a long while and since i had this chance i thought i might just say that i am not finnished with this site. Its just that i moved and have beeen with out the internet for a year basicaly!(excuse my spelling i am in a rush) just read the intro to my site. it kinda explains things.

JACON 2003! May30-June1

Yeah for JACON! Like last year I made my way to JACON in Orlando FL. I drove all the way from Pensacola to get there but I made it. It took 7 hours (Ileft thur. may 29 to get there) It was pretty fun and I enjoyed myself. I saw some pretty good looking "women". (actually they were men but thats another story) You all have to check out a new Anime callled Wolf's Rain. Its a reallly good sci-fi show. I saw 8 episoads at the con and it was much fun. The Opening "Stray" is a really moving song as well as the ending song called "Gravity".They are both sang in english and make since so chek'em out. Check out wolf rains official japanese site here Wolf's Rain

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Click here for the old updates updates!


Aya Omi Yohji Ken

Heres the Fun stuff!..I think ^_^


E-mail your fave character of Weiß!

Fan Fic

Fan Art



Anime Lyrics

Shounen Picture Lair

Warning! some stuff in the Lair is..kinda..uh.. revealing..But some of it is just really kawaii groupe pics.

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