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Biographies - Chaotic Century
Name: Rosso
Age: Late 20's, Early 30's
Debut Episode: The Mysterious Fiona
Permanant Zoids: Red Horn, Iron Kong, Storm Sorder
Zoids Piloted: Red Horn, Iron Kong, Storm Sorder
Bio: Rosso is a thug who leads the Desert Alka-Velno Gang. He is first encountered when Van brings Fiona and Zeke into the village. He is in love with Viola. Although he doesn't do all much fighting in the episode he tells Viola, Welda and Jarro to get the organoid. He is then encounter while, Van was protecting another village with Irvine and later in a small republic town where Van and Moonbay were first stopping to get some supplies. Rosso is imprisoned by the Imperial Army for attacking his own side and is later freed by his other members. This time they want to ransom the Crown Prince. They later find out Minister Prozan wants him dead so he can become Emperor and they hand him over to Van and Fiona. Rosso returns as the Bearin of Wings: Aira Valone in a Storm Sworder
Name: Viola
Age: Late 20's, Early 30's
Debut Episode: The Mysterious Fiona
Permanant Zoids: Redler, Storm Sorder
Zoids Piloted: Redler, Storm Sorder
Bio: Viola is the older sister of Rosa, who lives at Colony near Mount Isolina. Viola is also in love with Rosso. She does most of the fighting in the Desert Alka-Velno Gang. She is meets with Van at the same times Rosso did and she also assisted with saving and ransoming of Crown Prince Rudolph. She too wound up with a Storm Sworder after the destruction of the Iron Kong, she came back as the Sword of Storms.
BullName: Bull
Age: Early 20's
Debut Episode:
The Boy From Planet Zi
Permanant Zoids: Blue Guysack
Zoids Piloted: Blue Guysack
Bio: Bull is another member of the Desert Alka-Velno Gang, and isn't much of a skilled pilot either. Bull thinks he's good, but is beaten by the Shield Liger and Zeke once each time. Bull is just another loud mouth bandit much like Rosso. He got a junked Guysack from Rosso instead of getting something better like a Command Wolf or something else.

Name: Jarro
Age: Late 20's
Debut Episode: The Mysterious Fiona
Permanant Zoids: Molga, Pteras
Zoids Piloted: Molga, Pteras
Bio: Jarro is another member of the Desert Alka-Velno gang. He also attacks Van with a Molga while trying to get the organoid back. He is defeated three times by Van. Once while, with Welda, and the second time against the village Van and Irvine were protecting and finally when Viola and Jarro attacked Van in the Isolina Mountains.

Name: Welda
Age: Mid 20's
Debut Episode:
The Mysterious Fiona
Permanant Zoids: Molga
Zoids Piloted: Molga
Bio: Welda is one of the Desert Alka-Velno gang members, who attacks Van in his Shield Liger with a Molga in order to retrieve the organoid Zeke. He pilots the Molga and is defeated by Van twice, once at his village when he rips off the dual 20mm guns of the Molga and then next time while Van was protecting another village with Irvine.

Name: Nero
Age: Late 20's
Debut Episode: The Boy From Planet Zi
Permanant Zoids: Desert Command Wolf
Zoids Piloted: Desert Command Wolf
Bio: Nero yet another member of the Desert Alka-Velno Gang. He attacks Van while Van was at the ruins where he found the organoid and Fiona. Van encounters him again at the village he was protecting. He is a Desert Command Wolf pilot, he is an ok pilot but relies too much on the capability of the zoid's fire power. He was defeated by the Shield Liger twice.
Desert Alka Velno GangDesert Alka-Velno Gang Battle Information: The Desert Alka-Velno Gang has fought with Van many times and lost every single time. They first encountered Van at the ruins near his village, this time it was only Bianco, Nero and Bull he fought with. Bianco and Nero both had Command Wolves and Bull got a rusty old Guysack. They lost because Van's Organoid Zeke revived a Shield Liger and took them out with ease. Then at his village he fought them again, and this time he was up against two Molga's and a Redler. He beat them again this time w/the help Zeke. They encountered Van at another village where Irvine was the protector of the village and Van became one too. And one of the last times they encountered Van was at a Republican Town where they had them good, but Rosso lost and disbanded the Gang. Later, Viola and Jarro both took on Van in the Isolena Mountains. That was the last time they had seen the Desert Alka-Velno Gang.