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Biographies - Chaotic Century
Name: Irvine
Age: 18's
Debut Episode: Memory
Permanant Zoid: Command Wolf (Maroon on Black)
Zoids Piloted: Command Wolf, Gojulas
Biographical Information: Irvine is a mercernary who goes around looking through ruins in search of an organoid to be his best pal. He first encounters Van in the episode Memory, Irvine try's to take Zeke from Van at first, but when he realizes what an organoid is, he gives up the pursuit because organoids are very loyal and rare to find. Irvine also knows this girl called Moonbay. Irvine starts out to be a much better pilot than Van, but his limits are known when he gets beaten by Raven. As the series goes on, Irvine's piloting skills become much better than they were. He uses a Gojulas in effort to defeat the Deathsaur. He also went along with Van in Chaotic Century after he met up with him that is. He also used to have a sister named Helena that died of Gacki Karl Fever. Much isn't revealed about Irvine's past, he is just a mercernary that is trying to make a living for himself.