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Biographies - Chaotic Century
Colonel Kruegar Sir!Name: Colonel Kruegar
Age: Mid 30's to Late 30's.
Debut Episode: Wake Up Zeke!
Permanant Zoid: Unknown
Zoids Piloted: Was Going To Pilot the ZG and a Pteras
Biographical Information: Colonel Kruegar is a very smart and strategic officer in the Republican Army. He knows what to do and exactly when to do it, he is the reason the New Helic City isn't ruins when Prozan arrived at the Shore. He transferred all the zoids and availale pilots from Mount Osa Base directly to New Helic Shore, and was the first to get the idea of blowing up the Volcano in order to defend the freedom of the republic, like many soldiers Colonel Kruegar isn't seen after the war at all. He plays a great role in Guardian Force as do many of the other characters in Chaotic Century.