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Biographies - Chaotic Century
Madam President! Salute!Name: Madam President
Age: 50+
Debut Episode: The Longest Night of the Republic
Permanant Zoid: Why would she need a zoid, she is after all the president of the Republic!
Zoids Piloted: Why Does She Need To Pilot A Zoid, when she has the entire Republican Army at her disposal?
Biographical Information: Madam President, one of the key figures that ended the Helic-Guylos War with a Ceasefire Treaty with Prince Rudolph. She also the head of the Helic Republic and her son Captain Rob Herman, head of 1st Platoon Red River Line. Madam President doesn't much of a role in Chaotic Century after the war, she gives rare appearances after that. The next time I saw her, would have to be the last episode of Chaotic Century. After the Deathsaur and Prozan were defeated, did she only appear on the cornation of Prince Rudolph. She more so seen alot in Guardian Force.