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Biographies - Chaotic Century
Name: Van Flyheight
Age: 14
Debut Episode: The Boy From Planet Zi
Permanant Zoid: Shield Liger, Blade Liger
Zoids Piloted: Shield Liger (Epi. 1-22), Red Guysack (Epi. 24-25) Blade Liger (Epi. 25-34)
Biographical Information: Van is the son of a Helic veteran Command Wolf pilot who was killed defending their village about 5 years prior to the beginning of the story. The Zoids story begins with Van wandering through the desert on his hoverboard when he is attacked by a rogue Guysack scorpion-type piloted by a mercenary named Bull. Fleeing into some ruins to hide, Van tries to wait out the Guysack and repair his hoverboard. In the process of looking for spare parts, he finds two stasis capsules. Kids will be curious, and Van ends up releasing Zeke, an Organoid from the larger capsule. The organoid saves Van and takes him to a wrecked Shield Liger that hasn't been working since 20 years. Zeke fuses with the Shield Liger and rejuvenates the Shield Liger. Apparently, as Van later discovers, organoids are pretty rare. 
Van's Shield LigerShield Liger/Battle Information: Van's Shield Liger, was a ruined wreck until Zeke fused with and revived it. After that, Van had fought many battles against Irvine, Desert Alka-Velno Gang, The Republican and Imperial Army. But none more than Raven was his toughest opponent yet. He had lost to him 3x, tied 2x and beat him once. He lost to him at Chronos Fortress and the first time he met him. He tied with him at the Republican Naval Base and finally beat him near the Mount Osa Base. The Shield Liger was finally destroyed by the Genosaur. The Shield Liger is a very resourceful zoid, it has dual 8-missile launch pods on the sides of the Liger, dual 30mm shot cannons mounted on the back, dual 20mm shot canons on the tail and a triple impact cannon under the head. The brilliant part of the Shield Liger is, it is the fastest Republican Zoid there is, enough to challenge the Saber Fang.
Van's Blade LigerBlade Liger/Battle Information: After Van's Shield Liger was destroyed by the Charged Particle Beam of Raven's Genosaur, Fiona and Zeke had fused together to revive the Shield Liger. After Zeke and Fiona had fused, they then fused with the broken core of the Shield Liger.