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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Captain O'Connel
Age: Mid 20's
Debut Episode: The Blue Devil
Permanant Zoid: Godos/Command Wolf
Zoids Piloted: Godos (Epi. 37), Command Wolf (Epi. 35-67)
Biographical Information: Captain O'Connel gets promoted after the successful end of the Helic/Guylos War in Europa. Both he and Major Herman (Then A Captain), were promoted for their bravery in the last ditch effort to save New Helic City. Captain O'Connel is a pretty nice guy and he is a very exprienced Command Wolf pilot, much like Irvine he pilots a Command Wolf but its a Republican Command Wolf (White). He didn't play much a important part in Guardian Force until the very end, when he was one of the few people that kept tabs on both the Geno-Breaker and Death Stinger at different times.