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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Carol
Age: Mid 20's
Debut Episode: Super Sonic Battle
Permanant Zoid: Red Storm Sworder
Zoids Piloted: Storm Sworder (Epi. 55)
Biographical Information: Carol is pretty tough lady, she works for General Garth, a retired General from the Republican Army who is a very dirty smuggler. He produces and sells the next generation parts from the Helic Republic and Guylos Empire. Back a long time ago, when the Helic/Guylos War was at its peak, a village was attacked by Imperial Forces and everyone was killed and the village destroyed except for her. Both her parents and family were destroyed in the attack and she was adopted by the Z Foundation (a cover group that General Garth uses to hide his dirty work). Irvine was captured by her to use him to get Miltary Intelligence off there back, but from seeing the episode I think she actually liked Irvine, guess they didn't have enough time to get together.