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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Colonel Halford
Age: Early 40's
Debut Episode: The Distant Stars
Permanant Zoid: None
Zoids Piloted: None
Biographical Information: Colonel Halford is a very arrogant and cocky man. He has no respect for others but yet demands respect from them, the numskull even disgraced Irvine's pride, Van and Thomas should've let Irvine go, after he'd beat up this idiot maybe he'd learn some respect. But he did have a purpose in life (I'm Shocked at this), he ordered the Geno-Breaker strike method. He planned on using the Blade Liger, Lightning Saix, and Dibison in the battle, if the pilots disagreed, he would've thrown them out and commandeered their zoid. He doesn't care about his men at all, only if the mission is successful. Also, he tried hitting on Fiona, which is just wrong. I kinda can't remember the word to describe him but it starts with a P. He also did know Van's father back when Dan Flyheight had lost his life in the battle.