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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Moonbay
Age: 20's
Debut Episode: Assault of the Mega Monster
Permanant Zoid: Gustav/Ultrasaurus
Zoids Piloted: Gustav (Epi. 44 - Epi. 60), Ultrasuaurs (Epi. 60 - 68), Silver Pteras (Epi. 45), Pteras (Epi. 58)
Biographical Information: A sassy girl, after the cornation much like Irvine, she wandered off and went to get some prize money. She later came in when Van needed help with Blade Liger shield upgrades and also she saved Van from certain destruction by putting her Gustav at risk. She then also hung around with Van in the battles against Raven. She was later called upon when she used her skills as a Zoid Specialist to awaken the sleeping Giant the Ultrasaurus.
Moonbay's GustavGustav/Battle Information: Moonbay's Gustav, the same Gustav that brought Emperor Rudolph back to the Empire. She never really uses it for battle at all. Most of the time she just rushes to job to job w/o much sleep. She had a hot lead on a nice job when she was rushing through the desert, she found Thomas's Dibison, and brought that back to the nearest base. That is where she met Van and everyone else. 
Moonbay's UltrasaurusUltrasaurus/Battle Information: After her brilliant plan to awaken the Ultrasaurus, she was given pilot of the Ultrasaurus. We really don't know why though, but I'd rather have her there than some republican soldier. The Ultrasaurus engaged the Death Stinger in battle quite a few times, they had a fight in the water. Even though the Ultrasuarus is bigger the Death Stinger is quite faster and has much better weapons. The only useful weapon the Ultrasuarus has is the Gravity Cannon. With that, the Ultrasaurus is very much indestructable.