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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Luis Herman
Age: Old Enough To Be Your Grandma 2x Over
Debut Episode: The Secret Mission
Permanant Zoid: None
Zoids Piloted: None In GF (Dibison) but not really.
Biographical Information: The President of the Helic Republic, Luise Herman has been the head of the Helic Republic ever since the her husband, former Helic Republic Leader had died. She was in charge of all programs and missions during the Helic/Guylos War. In Guardian Force, she was kidnapped once in her own Hammer Head by Hiltz and put in a Dibison which would attack the Conference Site, under the control of Ambient. Unfortunately, Irvine had saved her from certain doom using his newly acquired Lightning Saix. After, that she had been seen on the Ultrasuaurs and during the destruction of the Helic Capital.