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Biographies - Chaotic Century
Name: Raven
Debut Episode: Raven
Permanant Zoid: Genosaur, Geno Breaker
Zoids Piloted: Genosar (Epi. 43-44), Geno-Breaker (Epi. 47 - 67)
Biographical Information: Raven is easily the best zoid pilot the Empire has, He pilots his Maroon Saber Fang and hasn't lost a fight. He is the one who destroys fortress with complete ease and doesn't leave a trace of anything. Raven's black organoid, Shadow also accompanies him. He meets with Van the first time and it looks like they are going to be friends. But it turns out, Van attacks Raven with his Shield Liger and starts a long and hard rivalary with him. Raven eventually loses to Van and winds up blowing his Saber Fang to bits. His past is a complete mystery to us, and he only listens to Minister Prozan. Minister Prozan gives Raven a Genosaur, and Raven defeats Van with it twice but against his Blade Liger, Van beat him with lots of difficulty. Raven survived but barely. 
Raven's 2nd GenosaurGenosaur/Battle Information: After being awakened by Van, Raven comes back in a Dark Blue on Red Genosaur. His first, victim was Thomas Shobaultz, pilot of the Dibison. Even, though the Genosaur is a very powerful zoid, its Charged Particle Gun can be matched by the Dibison's Migalow Max only for a short period of time though. The Dibison's dual nosels will overheat and break and then the Genosaur will have defeated it. He then fights, Van pilot of the Blade Liger and Irvine, pilot of the Command Wolf. He was doing pretty good for a two on one, while they were gaining the advantage, he took out Irvine quickly and then took out the Blade Liger with a few Charged Particle Gun Blasts. Moonbay, comes in and rescues Van by using the thick armor of the Gustav. The Genosaur flies away under the command of Shadow, to evolve to another level. 
Raven's Geno-BreakerGeno-Breaker/Battle Information: After, the evolution Cacoon breaks open, the Geno-Breaker is born. A zoid that far surpasses any zoid before. Its Charged Particle Beam is good enough to surpass that of the Deathsaur, it has a very powerful Energy Shield, that can withstand numerous attacks from overwheleming forces. The only disadvantage is that it can penetrated by Shield Piercing Bullets, that the Gun Snipers use. After its birth, the Geno-Breaker high tails out of there to regroup and find out most of its true capabilties, but before it destroys Irvine's Command Wolf. In its first, actual attack against Van, Thomas and Irvine. Under the Command of Colonel Halford, the Delta Formation along with a barage of Gojulas will attack the Geno Breaker. This is when they find out what the Geno-Breaker is trully capable of, It can fire its Charged Particle Beam from the air and can use its Power Shield to cancel out the Gojulas Attacks. Raven wins this battle, but we later find out, that the Geno-Breaker is limited, Shadow can only stay bonded w/it for 180 Seconds. Most Organoids like, Ambient/Zeke would fade out at 60 or maybe 70 seconds, but Shadow doesn't. In his second attack against Van, it turns out to be a tie because the Death Stinger fires a Charged Particle Beam at both Raven and Van. Shadow fades away, and the threat of the Geno Breaker diminshes due to the serious threat of the Death Stinger.