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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Colonel Karl Lichen Shobaultz (Forgive Me If I ever spelt it like Shoobaultz)
Age: 20's
Debut Episode: The Steel Bison
Permanant Zoid: Iron Kong Mark II, Saber Tiger (Special)
Zoids Piloted: Iron Kong (Epi. 38, 41), Saber Tiger Special (Epi. 47, 59)
Biographical Information: This probably the best soldier the Imperial Army has. He is calm, cool and knows what to do in tight spots. Major Karl Shobaultz is a very talented and a good expert in battle analysis. Above all, finding a soldier of this magnitude is nearly impossible. He is the older of brother of Thomas Richard Shobaultz
Karl's Saber Tiger SpecialIron Kong-Saber Fang/Battle Information: Karl's Iron Kong was given to him during the Helic-Guylos War, in order to take out the Mount Osa Base. But He had failed there, and has still kept the Iron Kong. He was first seen w/his Iron Kong in Epi. 38: The Steel Bison. He had also fought with his own brother under the influence of the Blue Devil and the Reice. Both him and Thomas duked it out and it turned out Thomas had beaten his brother. He later appeared in a Saber Tiger to fight Raven and his Geno Breaker and later when he had to fight the Death Stinger in the Capital.