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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Lt. Thomas Richard Shobaultz (Forgive Me If I ever spelt it like Shoobaultz)
Age: 20's
Debut Episode: The Steel Bison
Permanant Zoid: Dibison
Zoids Piloted: Dibison (Epi. 38 - Epi. 67), Hammer Head (Epi. 61), Storm Sworder (Epi. 58)
Biographical Information: A techno geek, Thomas Richard Shobaultz is the smaller brother of Major Shobaultz of the Imperial Army 1st Panzer Division. Thomas has always lived in the shadow of his big brother, ever since he was a kid. The two of them duked it out in the Iron Kong Mark II and Dibison at the Holseyard Weapons Disposal Facility. Even though, Karl and the Mark II were under Specula's control, Thomas had beaten him and stopped the Iron Kong in the nake of time.
Thomas's 105mm 17-shot DibisonDibison/Battle Information: Thomas's Dibison was given to him by an exchange in Empire and Republic. The Dibison is an amazingly powerful zoid, with its 105mm 17-shot Migalow Max, it turns almost anything into dust. This is the only weapon that can match the Genosaur's Charged Particle Gun in shear power. Its is also equiped with dual 8-missile clusters and a Triple Impact Cannon mounted near the head. The Dibison was first introduced in Epi. 38: The Steel Bison, even though it may look like a normal Dibison it isn't. It has a special A.I. unit equipped around its core which can do Data Analyasis and Complete Examination of the Battlefield, and provide Thomas with the best possible solution to the battle. He has fought against many bandits and thugs, but his greatest challenges are the Geno-Breaker and Death Stinger.