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Biographies - Guardian Force
Name: Van Flyheight
Age: 18
Debut Episode: The Secret Mission
Permanant Zoid: Blade Liger
Zoids Piloted: Blade Liger (Epi. 35-68), Pteras (Epi. 62)
Biographical Information: After destroying the Deathsaur and bringing peace to the Empire, Van joins up with the military, under the intense training of Colonel Kruger. Van wanted to bring out the full potential of the Blade Liger and in which case making him a better a pilot than before. It turns out in a couple of simulation tests, without the help of Zeke, Van was bringing out much more of the Blade Liger's potential than before. After a couple of renegade attacks on some bases by some new type of zoid, Van is put in the Guardian Force. Colonel Kruger had set up the Guardian Force and in it had the three key members, Van Flyheight, Fiona Alice Lenat, and Zeke. He would be given missions as he went along his journeys.
Van's Blade LigerBlade Liger/Battle Information: Van's Blade Liger has been with Van for over four years, he can now bring out much more of its potential then he ever did in the past. Along his missions in the Guardian Force, Van went up against many different types of zoids, in which he had to modify his Blade Liger just enough to beat his opponent. For example, before the fight with Dark Blue Genosaur, the Blade Liger's Shield Power was increased by three times. This project was under the close observation of Dr. D. The result was, the Electron Shield was 3x stronger than any convential shield and could withstand many Charged Particle Beams than before. Next when, Van had upgraded his booster in order to fight Raven and the Geno-Breaker, the upgraded booster made it fast enough to keep up with Lightning Saix. Then, after the repairs were made to the Blade Liger after the Geno-Breaker fight, Van had added dual attack boosters on the Blade Liger which made it five times faster than before. It wasn't until Zeke brought out his full potential did the Blade Liger reach its maximum potential possible.