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The Beast of Destruction: The Deathsaur
A very powerful dragon type-zoid, loaded with 16-Mortar Missile Launch, Triple Chain Cannon mounted at its nose, Laser Tail Attack and much powerful Charged Particle The Beast of Destruction: The Deathsaur!Cannon than the Genosaur. It has sharpened claws and teeth. Long Ago, the ancient zoidians were whipped out by The Beast of Destruction: The Deathsaurone Deathsaur, it took out a platoon of 1,000 zoids and destroyed a complete nation in one night. Fiona remembers the Deathsaur at the Guerrial Ruins in Episode #19: Prozan's Conspiracy. The next time the Deathsaur is actually seen is in Episode #32: The Doom Machine. Prozan is trying to resurrect the power of the Deathsaur and if he gets that kind of power backing him up, he will annihilate the Republic and make Europa one continent. The Deathsaur is actually used for combat in the Episode #34: The Capital Ablaze, in which it destroyed by the Blade Liger. After this Deathsaur isn't ever seen again.