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Chaotic Century: Episode 4
The Protectors

After Van and Fiona had left the ancient fortress with white Gordos, he was tired. And he went to sleep. Fiona was sitting down in the middle of the night, as Van stirs and asks her what she is doing and why hasn't she gone to sleep. She tells him she can hear water, Van gets up and listens and says that you must be kidding, there plent of water in the tank if you need it. By morning Fion athrew all the water out of the tank because it smelt bad. Van went beserk and told her that it had his special protein thing in it. Van falls down and has a mirage of Fionadropping all the water in the ground. Irvine comes in when Fiona had just lead Van to some fresh water. Thinking it was just a couple bandits, Irvine found out it was just Van. Irvine fills Van in on the details in which that he is a protector and how these bandits attacked on a specific set date. Today was one of those set dates. The gang was confirmed to be the Desert Alka-Velto Gang, the same thugs that attacked Van's village and tried to take Zeke. The enemy has a Red Horn, two Command Wolves, two Molgas, a Guysack and a Redler. Van quickly jumps in and becomes a protector and learns what an aquapher is. The fighting starts and IRvine quickly knocks out a Molga and partially damages a Command Wolf. Just then Van jumps in with the Shield Liger and takes the Guysack out with no problem. He heads up to the Red Horn and the Command Wolves, while Irvine leaves and tries to take out he Redler. He goes into the cliffs and jumps in on the Redler, thereby knocking it out. Van launches his missles where an aquapher is and knocks out the Command Wolves but the Red Horn still survived do to its amazing armor and it charges for Van. Out of the canyons comes Irvine and shoots the Red Horn down. After the fight was won, Van and Irvine talked about it. And Van figured out that Irvine believed in him.

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)