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Chaotic Century: Episode 7
The Battle of Red River

After beating the captain, Van and Zeke decide to go and rescue Moonbay and Fiona. When they barge in, they are told that they are working for the Republic. Both Moonbay and Fiona are told that they will be give cargo loaded with explosives that are to be detonated at Fire Bridge. Then Major Shoobaultz and Minister Prozan have a discussion about the attack on the rebels. Major Shoobaultz says that he will only attack if they attack first. At the battlefield, the republic had its Godos' and Guysacks all lined up with the main captain in the green Gordos. On the Imperial front, they had all 50 molgas lined up with there Commander Major Shoobaultz in the Dark Horn. Both captains step ou tand have a word with each other ang go back to their respective zoids. Then Minister Prozan has a word with Marcus a soldier from the front line. He tells him to launch the first attack and make it look like the republic did it. If he did he would be promoted. Then Marcus tells Rosso to use the Pteras they got and attack their forces and in which would begin the battle. Then after a long wait, a Pteras and attacks there side and the battle starts up again. Van is give strict orders to destroy Fire Bridge because the explosives didn't work and they lost contact with the girls. At the gorge Irvine assists Van in making it across the River. Van destroys Fire Bridge. He makes it toward and through the front lines of the Imperial Army and finally makes to the Republican Side.

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Credits: The Dark Horn Scan Above is copyrighted to Zoids' Eve, If you would like to take them, Please Give Us (Zoids' Eve) Credit For Them.
Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Moonbay/Fiona Scan)