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Chaotic Century: Episode 14
Wake Up Zeke!

After Van loses the battle to Raven again, and this time Zeke is hurt badly. Colonel Krueger knows its a huge blow losing the fortress, but he wants to know how much time it would take them to start advancing again. He estimated about 30 hours and tells Major Ford of Chronos Unit that he should get back to Mount Osa Base and prepare for a counter-attack. Meanwhile, at the deserted villageVan tries to find help for Zeke. Then Dr. D shows up trying to find sunscreen and Van gets Dr. D to see Zeke. Dr. D. tells Van that to revive Zeke he would have to go to Mt. Osa and get a bright blue rock called Zoid Magnite. Irvine goes to the Republican Base to get armed up with a multiple missile diffusion system. They let them test it out. Van and Moonbay make it to the Mt. Osa Volacano and are struggling to keep alive and get the rock. While Irvine take on Raven and his Saber Fang with his multiple missile diffusion system. Van tells Moonbay he see the rock and she should lower him down. He gets the rock and gets pulled up and both Van and Moonbay get out of there with a second to spare. Irvine traps Raven with the needle missiles and Raven fuses with his organoid and takes out Irvine in a flash. While the combined forces of the Shoobaultz and Marcus unit make their way onto Mount Osa Base.

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)