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Chaotic Century: Episode 19
Prozan's Conspiracy

After stopping the war and making the Empire retreat peae was restored to the Republic. Van and his friends were off to the Guerrial Plateau to restore Fiona's memory. Emperor Rudolph Gerhart Zepplin the III. (His Name'z Long Enough)While at an Imperial Prison Cell, where the bandit Rosso has been residing for the past couple of weeks, is freed with the help of his comrades from the Desert Alka-Velto Gang. Since the death of the late emperor Zepplin, Crown Prince Rudolph is next in line to become emperor of the Rosso don't kidnapp the Prince, Please Don't!! Ahh what the heck, go for it!Empire. Minister Prozan also mourns the loss of his emperor. Minister Prozan regent to Crown Prince Rudolph, would become emperor if anything were to happen to Prince Rudolph. The Desert Alka-Velto Gang is planning on kidnapping the Crown Prince Rudolph and asking for a ransom from the Empire for treating them the way the did. Late at night, Minister Prozan went to a shabby shop where a special forces operative commander by the name of Metlenick was. Metlenick had arranged three republican command wolves to assure that the assasination would look like the republicans had done it to re-new the war. Minister Prozan gives the details of how Rudolph would leave the palace. He would be flying in a Redler guarded by two or three Rev. Rapters basic models at that. The mission would be to take Rudolph out as quickly as possible and most importantly make it look like the Republicans had done it. Rosso and Viola are scoping out the palace while a person from the special forces operative spots them, and tells his boss Metlenick and tails them. Rosso and Viola make it to their hideout but Metlenick's group launches a missile right into their hideout, assuming that they are dead Metlenick resumes his mission. Fortunately, all four of them had gotten into their Molga. The Desert Alka-Velto gang finds Metlenick's hideout and they also find out they are doing a serious co-operative mission to make it look like the rebels had done it. They hit the Command Wolves and knock them all into a Frozen Combat System. Rosso and Viola attack the palace and get Prince Rudolph and head back to the Iron Kong. Rosso also learns Metlenick's mission was to take out the Prince Rudolph. Van and the gang make it near the Guerrial Plateau only four more days until they get their.

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