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Chaotic Century: Episode 24
A Voice from Afar

Stinger trying to earn Moonbay's TrustAfter Van had brought Rudolph back to the campsite away from danger, he had seen the Whirl Wind of Light surrounding the Shield Liger. On his way back, Van is pursued by a red Guysack.Before where Metelinick and his thugs were left because of the damage they had suffered due to Irvine's Command Wolf. They had just finished reparing the damage on one Dark Horn and the other would need at least a week to recover. Then a Red Guysack shows up and a guy called Stinger a.k.a the Fisherman shows up. Meanwhile, Van demands an explanation for whats happening to the Shield Liger. He finds out that Fiona and Zeke are still inside and he tries running into it but gets thrown away by th massive energy that was being put out. Van then runs off because he wanted Zeke to choose him, and wondered why he chose Fiona instead. Stinger makes a deal with Metelinick in which he'll help with the destruction of the cocki-group of punks with the organoid. Rudolph makes it over to where Van had gone off, by some nearby ruins. Denis was given the Red Guysack, to keep an eye on Van, and do whatever is necessary to keep him away from the Whirlwind of Light. Meanwhile, Stinger makes a plan, in which the 2 remaining Dark Horns will attack him in order to fool Moonbay and the others so they would trust him. In return he would poison their food so they would be paralyzed for a number of days. His plan works perfectly, except Rudolph doesn't drink the soup he just gets caught. At the ruins, Van starts to hear Fiona's voice and she gives him a message to go back, while on the move Van is caught off guard by the Red Guysack. 

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)