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Guardian Force: Episode 35
The Secret Mission

After defeating a power like the Deathsaur, you'd think taht the guy would take a break. But anyways, Van joined the military and has been working in the military for the Van protecting the Wind Colony with his Blade Liger!past year. Van under the guidance of Colonel Kruegar, goes in a simulation test with the use of an organoid. He goes up against a herd of Command Wolves and Pteras'. He takes them out with ease. The President of the Republic gets a friendly warning from Emperor Rudolph. A highly mobile and super fast underground zoid attacked and destroyed the main bases of both the Empire and Republic. Van Flyheight, returns Stealth Viper (fused with Ambient)home to the Wind Colony. Later On, Van had gone out reminicing about how he found Zeek and Fiona in these same exact ruins a couple of years back. While Fiona is on her way to the Wind Colony with a sick Dr. D, are hit by a the Stealth Viper. Van goes and helps Fiona and Dr. D out. While at the Colony, Fiona and Dr. D are treated by the Priest and should make a complete recovery. Van's older sister, Maria went to get the medicine for Dr. D, she gets confronted by a mysterious red organoid. In a raging fight between Van and the red organoid, is broken up with Zeek and the red organoid leaves. The Stealth Viper attacks the colony and gets beaten by the Blade Liger. Then the organoid fuses with Viper and still the Viper loses. Van is told that he is part of the Guardian Force. 

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)