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Guardian Force: Episode 38
The Steel Bison

Van is told by Captain O'Connel, that he will be going to Imperial Territory, because a couple of thugs posed as Republican forces are terrorizing nearby villages. While he Zeke or Ambient? You Decide! (Copyright: Red River Base)makes his way to this village, he will be accompanined by another Guardian from the Empire, Shoobaultz. As Van leaves his Liger in the woods, he comes to town with Zeke and Fiona. Where in the way, Zeke is covered with red Blade Liger Slicing Threw Magenetic Poles! (Copyright: Red River Base)paint. Van makes his way all around town and finds that people back here near the farms aren't evacuating. Then, Shoobaultz shows up with his triple mini-shot cannon, 8-missile cluster, and 17 shot cannon Dibison. He see's that Zeke is red and demands that what is he doing. Van tells him that he is Van Flyheight, and he has a silver organoid called Zeke, but there was an accident and that Blade Attack! (Copyright: Zoids' Eve)Zeke was covered with some paint. He then doesn't beleive a thing until he grabs him by his shirt and sees his Guardian Force tag. Then Shoobaultz fills him in on information about the attackers. All they know is that they have Command Wolf units up to 10 or maybe even more. Both Van and Thomas Richard Shoobaultz attack them but find out that there are magnetic poles in the all over the battle fields that divert the shots of all of the Zoids. They find out that this is all being controlled by a Gordos, and Van neutralizes the Gordos and Shoobaultz destroy's all the Command Wolves with his Migalow Max. 

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)