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Guardian Force: Episode 40
The Zoid Hunters

After Van and Thomas fight off the Helicats in the mountains across the border, Van gets word from his superiors that there are Zoid Hunters that are taking sleeper zoids Hel Digunners Trap a Rev. Rapter and Irvine Takes Out Thomasbecause now that the war is over, they can take zoids and no one would notice. Also a whole battalion of sleepers was taken a couple of days ago. Anyway, the zoid hunters strike and unknowningly a in a sleeper Rev. Rapter, Van is hiding in. Thomas tries to stop them, but the new recruit to their zoid hunting team, a very familiar Command Wolf to us takes out Thomas Irvine and Van Breaking Into the Heart of Zoid Hunters Basewith one shot. Then they capture the Rev. Rapter and go back to base. Later, Van gets out of the Rev. Rapter and searches the Whale King to see if he could find anything to whats going on. He gets seen by one of the members of the zoid hunters and runs around a bit until he is caught by Irvine. Van is placed in a cell and later Irvine goes to check up on him. All the while, Thomas was stranded in the middle of no where. Then Fiona shows up piloting the Blade Liger with Zeke, they help out Thomas. Van and Irvine make decoy so that it looks like that Van will escapeVan having a few words with Irvine. Irvine makes it down to a secret passage in the mountain where they are keeping the zoids. Irvine makes his way, through and Van catches him by surprise. Irvine then tells him that he's in it for the money, that some big guy lost his whole zoids and that he is willing to pay alot for it back. Both Van and Irvine made their way through the tunnel until they saw a huge pile of sleeper zoids with their cores ripped out of them. They get caught and just when things looked down, Fiona and the Blade Liger showed up with Zeke. Zeke went in to the tunnel and pulled both Irvine and Van out of their safely. Van, Thomas and Irvine take out the Desert Hel Digunners while Fiona frees all of the zoids. The Whale King starts leaving, when Fiona just set out the last Pteras. Van realizes it, and gets the Blade Liger at full speed trying to jump it. The Liger hangs on by a thread, Van tells Zeke to take over and he jumps and gets Fiona and they find out that Hiltz was behind this. Irvine comes and gets both of them to the ground while the Whale King blows up. 

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Credits: Red River Base (Much Thanx For The Scans)