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Guardian Force: Episode 44
Assault of the Mega-Monster

After going head to head combat with Raven, Thomas's Dibison is completely totaled and barely makes it near to a familiar Gustav. Van does some simulation tests at a nearby base to prepare for Raven's arrival. The normal routine, couple of Pteras's and Command Wolves. Then in the middle of the simulation Irvine shows up in his Red Command Wolf, and challenges Van. After a vicious duel at the first, both Irvine and Van stop and try to wash on a nearby lake. Irvine tells Van that he made a heap of prize money in winning a couple of tournaments and then he relaxed for the past couple days at La Fray Beach. When he heard of Raven coming back he started coming to this base. Then just before they are about to start Round 2 of their duel, Dr. D drops in with a parachute coming straight from the Wind Colony. He said that there was a way to strengthen the shield on the Blade Liger by at least 2 or 3 times. Before Dr. D could start getting work done on the Blade Liger, a severly damaged Dibison shows up, Van and the others go to check it out and they find Moonbay. Van also finds out that Thomas was brought to a nearby hospital, where he was being treated. The doctors said that he would make a full recovery its just that it would have to take time. Then Fiona, Moonbay and Dr. D started working on the Shield of the Blade Liger and they had it all up and running by dawn. Raven approached in his blue on red Genosaur and he shot down the Pteras's. Then Irvine and Van showed up, both launched a great attack from the opening, but then Raven caught Irvine's Command Wolf and crushed part of it with the foot of the Genosaur knocking it out of commission. Then Van went up against him, and Raven's Charged Particle Gun was being nuetralized just like Dr. D said it would be, but as shrewd as Genosaur's True Power Is Unleashed Under Raven's Command.Raven is he also used the Pulse Laser Guns at the same time and knocked him down. Then another Charged Particle Gun shot direct at the normal shield of the Blade Liger had thrown it across the desert and out of commission. Then Moonbay came and parked the Gustav between Raven and Van. Raven launched another Charged Particle Gun that hit the Gustav. Then Shadow (Raven's Organoid), froze the controls on the Genosaur and flew away. There Shadow pulled Raven out of the Genosaur and then went back in, this time the Genosaur was evolving. 

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