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Guardian Force: Episode 48
The Black Lightning

After suffering major losses at the hands of Raven, the Command Wolf was very badly damaged. It was struck with a fatal blow to the zoid care, that like the heart. Irvine, The Lightning Saixpilot of the red Command Wolf, was hurt bad and was in the hospital bed from the last encounter with the Geno-Breaker. Then Dr. D shows everyone the Lighnting Siax, a new ultra-fast zoid that he was developing for the Empire. Its theories in capability weren't enough for Thomas, he wanted to see a test run and thats exactly what he got. In the test run, it took out the Saber Fangs and Helicats within a couple of minutes. Ambient while fused with the Dibison is attacking Rudolph's Conference Site.But the pilot had lost conciousness with the last launch of Anti-Zoid missiles and so he was ejected so that he wouldn't get hurt. The Lightning Siax memory bank was damaged really bad. Irvine leaves his bed and goes off to check on his Command Wolf. In a conference, that Emperor Rudolph is holding near the base, where Irvine and the rest are at, the Madam President is traveling by a white Hammerhead accompanied by to two Storm Sorders and two Pteras's. Hiltz disguised as a guard for the republic, siezes the Hammerhead and takes the crew and the president hostage. Dr. D shows everyone the Lightning SaixWhen Van hears of this Thomas and Van go off searching for the Hammerhead. Then Dr. D gets another idea fo transplanting the memory bank of the Command Wolf into the Lightning Saix. Irvine doesn't agree and punches the good doctor in the face. Then Moonbay talks some sense into Irvine, and he agrees to do it. Thomas is taken hostage and his dibison falls into enemy hands and the Madam President is in the Dibison that is being controlled by the Ambient (Red Organoid). Van finds the Hammerhead and disables the bomb. Later they get information that Rudolph's conference site is under attack, with 10 Gun Snipers and a Dibison that belongs to Shoobaultz. Irvine head sof to the conference site an dhe quickly takes out all the Gun Snipers and manges to take hte Dibison without hurting the Madam President. 

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