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Guardian Force: Episode 55
Super Sonic Battle

After somehow defeating the Whale King, Van and Thomas find themselves in a mystery. Some people are stealing zoid parts which are still being developed. The weapons Van, Fiona and Zekehave their clear advantage, after finding it out against a couple of Hel Digunners. Meanwhile, a Gustav carrying stolen zoid parts from both respective nations stops after it drops some of its cargo. Irvine piloting the Lightning Saix sees they could use a hand and jumps out offering assistance. Irvine finds out what they are carrying and demands an explanation but before that happens, he gets knocked out. He turns on his Carolone eye video piece. He captures the general's face and is later used for military intelligence. When Irvine wakes up he finds out he is being accused of stealing the zoid parts and also his Lightning Saix has been stolen. After the officier in charge denies everyone of his statements, they board a militaristic brown Hammerhead. After a couple of minutes on the Hammerhead, the officer in charge goes to the cockpit to do her report. While, Irvine, handcuffed knocks out each soldier whom is near him. Unlocks the handcuffs and takes two parachutes as he flies out the side of the Hammerhead. Just then, the officer lady in charge jumps out after him in a parachute of her own. Irvine and the officer lady have a mini-duel in mid-air, in which Irvine lets go of his first parachute and turns on the lady's parachute. He quickly equips his second parachute and lands on the snow covered mountain side as does the officer. Irvine about to take the plunge!Irvine tries to find out what is happening by looking at his video capturer. He looks at the guy and as the officer approaches asks her if she has ever seen him. He also finds out the officers name is Carol. After an avalanche, Irvine helps out the officer lady and makes it down to the village he wanted to go in. Lightning Saix vs Storm SorderHe asks an older woman, whom runs a bar about the guy in his video capture. He finds out its General Garth and also finds out he is holding a party at his place tonight. Irvine and Carol dressed up as can be went to the party undercover and found the Lightning Saix. Later Irvine found out, Carol was working for General Garth and Garth tells Carol to kill Irvine because he knows too much. The Guardian Force composed of Van and Thomas start attacking General Garth's place when they find out he is behind most of the zoid weapons stealing. Van and Thomas take out the modified Gun Snipers within a few minutes. Carol disagree's and shots at the ceiling where smoke starts coming out. As opportunistic as Irvine is he gets in his Lightning Saix and leaves only to be pursued by Carol in a red modified Storm Sorder. Carol shows her superior ability as a Storm Sorder pilot, way better than Viola. After a couple of attacks on Irvine, the Lightning Saix goes up and takes out the Storm Sorder. Instead of ejecting the seat, she wanted to remain in the cockpit and went down. Irvine walks up to the shore and realizes, she won't be coming back ever again.

Tragic Endings Suck! Next Episode